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Chloe's pov

"Woah, this is going to take some getting used to."

In front of me, stood three of my best warriors, Lawrence, Jerome and Hudson, but we all knew that it was actually Limyé, Haske and Lumo.

The only downside to them being in the warriors' form is that their own witch abilities are stripped away from them.
At least they acquired the physical strength of their originals and they get wolves.

"Look at how ripped I am!" Limyé admires his -well Lawrence's- body.

"Even this wiener is bigger."


Lumo caresses his- well Hudson's- now red cheek. Mia narrows her eyes at him. He returns the glare with a confused look.

"Am I missing something here?" Ina asks looking up from her mug of coffee.

"She's probably bitter because it's been decades since she's had any." Luxe mutters under his breath.

I am probably the only one who heard that because everybody is going on with what normal people do in the morning. Except Lumo, who's sporting a nice red handprint on half his face.

"Haske, Lumo, Limyé, don't you guys think it's time to go? To the castle?" I tell them.

"Right! Let's go fellas." Haske says.

"We need a ride, idiot. Mama Fény, please help us?" Limyé asks and bats his eyelashes.

Fény just clicks her tongue and grabs them by the ears. The three yelp in pain, but are cut off as they teleport with Fény, their voices disappearing last.

I take a deep breath, relieved that the tension is now gone. Ina turns to me and smirks like a teenage girl who knows her friend's secret crush.

"So, Chloe. What do you know about Egyptians?"


Three days. Three whole days of reading Egyptian history and news non-stop.
I close the old book about King Ramses the 2nd and lay my head on my pillow.

"Hey Rara!" Argia teases as she enters our bedroom.

They couldn't have been more creative when giving me a name.
Note the sarcasm.

Couldn't it be Nefertiti or something? How about Isis? Those two sound much better, but according to Dritë it has to be something relating to light and not another white witch's name.
So here I am, Rara. Named after the Egyptian sun god, Ra.

"Did you read about ancient Thebes? Ina told me to check up on you."

"Yeah. I also learnt all the hieroglyphics. This stuff isn't easy!" I whine.

"Good! That way, you can incorporate ancient Egyptian history into Anjelica Halo High school's syllabus. For all species, that is."

Yes. That would be wise. I'll have to speak to the ministers of supernatural education about that.

"By the way, Leggero said to drink this stuff right now, no questions asked." She says giving me a small bottle.

If Leggero were a human doctor, I would assume that this is foul tasting medicine, but these are witches. This has to be an even fouler tasting potion.

"What's it for?" I ask wearily.

"Well, you are supposed to look like someone from Egypt."

I give the bottle one last dreary look before I take a swig.

I scrunch my face up in disgust and gasp as the bitter taste turns spicy.
A shriek escapes my lips as my body feels like it's catching on fire. I hear the familiar popping and cracking of bones that occur when shifting, but I'm not.

"Argia!" *gasp* What's happening!" *groan* "To me!" I barely get out.

She hesitates before answering my question. "Leggeromayhaveusedadeadpersonsdna."

"What!?" I croak out.

"Sorry! We couldn't just make a body poof out of thin air!"


My nose!
Cartilage shouldn't BE snapping! I swear when this is over I will make sure Leggero's nose snaps.


I stop moving and my body becomes numb. I get pins and needles, then a dissolving sound escapes from inside my body.

I close my eyes in the hopes that I'll find solace in the darkness.


After hours of bone chilling numbness, I can finally move. I peel open my eyes and I notice that my clothes are much tighter than before.
The oversized t-shirt I was wearing before is tighter than ever now and my sweatpants are torn.

I bring my arms up to my face and marvel at the caramel color. I sit up, only to rip the last piece of fabric that kept my sweatpants looking like sweatpants.

"Chloe? Is that you? Can I come in?" Argia asks from behind the door.

When did she leave?

"Yeah, come in!" My voice comes out strained. Well, it doesn't sound familiar.

"If her voice has changed, she's definitely done."

"I wanna see her."

Khanya and Ina murmur excitedly.
The door opens and I'm not sure if they're all gaping at me or my naked lower half.

"Oh my goodness her skin! It's so beautiful. You're a goddess, Chloe!"

"It ain't Chloe if she's looking like that! She's Rara!"

"I love and want your hair!" Khanya whimpers.

I decide to look at the mirror and see what exactly is so beautiful about me. Ina catches on and helps me up. I must be twice the size of my previous self.

What the?

Even my wolf is perplexed at the sight. My eyes are smaller and brown in color. My lips are thicker and my nose is longer and pointier. I really look like I'm Egyptian. I feel like it too, I can't even pick up my own scent anymore.

"Girl, you gonna be turning heads everywhere!" Argia squeals.

Ina and Khanya play with my silky black waist length hair while I shove myself into a pair of underwear and jeans.

Can we go for a run?

Seriously!? All you can think about is running, we don't even have our own body.

What if we can't shift? This thing you've done is reversible, right?

I close my eyes and imagine my silvery gray wolf with fur as thick as the forest, but soft like the moonlight. I should be hearing popping and cracking of bones now. I open my eyes and find myself still in this human body.

I freeze in my tracks. I may have my wolf in me, but Argia said that Leggero used a dead person's DNA to make me look like this. The person is obviously human.

If I can't shift into my wolf when I need to, how will I be able to take Kenneth head on?
Am I still a werewolf even?

Khanya, Ina and Argia look at me with worry.

"I said that one out loud, did I?" I ask.

Ina looks down at the rug from behind me while I stare at her reflection in the mirror.
"Yeah. And about shifting, no. Your werewolf abilities are stripped away. Unfortunately."

And there goes my casualty-free plan.

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