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I throw myself down on the guest room bed and throw off my shoes. Who knew that having dinner and not being at the head of the table frustrates me and my wolf?

Pretending to enjoy Kaceline talk our ears off is more exhausting than it sounds. She gave us a tour of the castle which lasted the whole day. Mind you, we're not done with it, there are loads of other places that she didn't show us.

Mia opens the door and enters looking worse than me. Her once pin-straight hair is frizzy and she looks like she walked through an entire desert.

Trust me, there's nothing more I'd rather be doing than sleeping, but Mia and I have a task at hand.
Finding where Kaceline hid the scepter.

"Let's shower first, then we get on with the mission."

I nod and wait for her to finish using the bathroom that's connected to our guest room. Tonight's going to be one long night.


"There are pressure sensors, motion sensors and infrared cameras past this door." I mind-link Mia.

"Nothing a little magic can't stop."

Wherever she is, she is definitely smirking.
We've managed to get to the other side of the castle undetected, thanks to an invisibility spell and our own stealth.

We are currently standing outside the door to the jewel room, where we're looking first for the scepter. The problem isn't getting in, it's how we figure out our way once we're in.

I focus on the fingerprint scanner that I am trying to override. There's no way I'm going to prove to Mia that we're hopeless without her witch magic.

I smirk in victory when the machine goes haywire and grants us access. The elevator-like door slides open and reveals all the priceless gems and jewelry carefully placed on pedestals and glass shelves. Even in the dark, the contents of the room shimmer and sparkle.

I almost take a step into the room, but Mia's arm shoots in front of me, pushing me back and preventing any further movement.

I want to give her a puzzled look, but stop myself as I realize that Kaceline probably changed the security access to only permit her and Kenneth.


What do we do now?

I repeat Kasey's question to Mia.

"I could cast an intangibility spell on us."

"Aren't those kind of spells dangerous?"

"Not for a fully grown white witch."

After a few moments, I feel myself being roughly shoved forward. I stop myself from yelping out in fear.
Fear of the sirens going off and alerting every wolf in the castle scratch that, the pack, of an intrusion.

But when I am slapped in the face by complete and utter silence, I shoot my head up and glare at where I think Mia is.

"Get your ass off the floor so we can start looking for your stick."

That reminds me of Storm for some reason. I wonder where she went. Or if she's okay.

I scramble to my feet and slowly make my way around the room. I check every shelf and glass case.

Mia does the same on the opposite side of the room.

I sigh in defeat when I finish searching the whole room and come out shorthanded. I take Mia's silence as a sign of defeat on her end.
We scurry out of the jewel room and check if anyone saw or heard anything.

The hallway is empty and quiet as we left it.

"Let's get out of here and try the throne room?"

"Not until we fix that door."

I hear a faint whispering sound before the metal door slides closed.

Mia takes my hand in hers, then teleports us to the throne room.

I turn my head and glance at the four thrones in the room. The thrones that the rightful owners never got to sit on.
Α for my mate and I
Β for Kaden
Γ for Anastasia
Our coronation is supposed to happen on the fast approaching blue moon. But even I don't see that happening anytime soon.

"Quit daydreaming and start looking." Mia snaps at me.

I quickly shh at her. What if her sister is a light sleeper too? As if she read my mind, she clicks her tongue and says, "If she was a light sleeper, we would've been caught before we reached the jewel room."

I shake my head and begin searching for any hidden compartments or secret passages. I run my hands under every painting in the place and lift every table and chair.

I run a hand through my hair and sigh for what feels like the millionth time tonight. I look around and find Mia on her knees and arms with her ear placed on the cold marble floor.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

She puts a finger to her lips and continues knocking on the floor. I stare at her while swimming in puzzlement.

"Each knock sounds the same."

"I noticed." The words fall out of my mouth before I could stop them.
I cuss at my wolf and give Mia an apologetic smile.

"But listen to this one, then this one."

Knock. Knock.

They sound... different. That's odd.

"It's hollow here. There's something down in here and we are going to find out what it is." Mia explains.

"No normal person would be knocking on floors. You're on to something. We have a lead. Let's get this thing opened up already."

"No wait." She stands up and cranes her neck to listen.

I hear footsteps. Coming towards the throne room. We're in the throne room!

"I have a plan. Lay down here and pretend to be sleeping."

I don't think twice before I oblige. For a split second, a small breeze brushes past my body and next thing I'm in comfortable pajamas instead of the tight leather stealthy clothes.

I hear the person walk into the throne room. He blasts, "What's going on here?"

An unpleasant shiver runs down my spine. Kenneth's icy voice is enough to brittle diamonds. He repeats his question much less loudly.

I keep my asleep facade on and ignore the imminent danger. I loud grunt is heard before I feel myself being lifted by a strong pair of arms. I immediately recognize his scent. His dark and uncomfortable scent. It might appease his mate, but definitely not me.

Kenneth is going to be the one to carry me to my doom.


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