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Omega's pov

She's all I think about.
Ever since that fateful day, my eighteenth birthday, she constantly clouds my thoughts. I want her, but I can't have her. So close yet so far. As they say.


I reluctantly get up from bed. I groggily walk downstairs to meet Linkin's mom, Aramina making breakfast.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asks.

I blink once. I don't speak, so I use small gestures that Linkin's mom and Linkin understand.

"That's great sweetie. Linkin is still in the shower, so feel free to help yourself to some waffles."

I start eating while Aramina cooks more breakfast.


"Since, it's you know...your birthday, are you ready to find your mate?" Linkin asks me while smirking as we enter the school grounds.

I growl at him, showing that I do not approve of the topic.

"Okay, then. See you later."

He walks off to his group of popular wolves and vampires while I make my way to sanctuary and comfort zone, the library. I stopped following Linkin many years ago because he once told me that he cannot be seen with me at school. And personally, I don't like his friends. They aren't the nicest batch of people.

As I walk, my mind wanders off to the possibilities of a mate. Everyone says that I do not have one because the moon goddess only gives men with a spine mates. Who am I kidding, hoping that I would find one. I am a sorry excuse for a male.

I have not spoken since I was a child. Not once. Not since the incident that cost my parents their lives.

I am a weakling among the strongest pack. A flaw in the perfect royal pack. A blemish on the well known First Pack.
That is the reason I seclude myself and stay in the shadows.

I am invisible. I am no one.

Some of the other students in class make fun of me and call me degrading names. I try to ignore them, I do. But it's difficult to stand up for yourself when you are the nobody, the reject everyone hates.

Some witches even curse me for fun at times.

I wish I could communicate with someone. Tell them everything. But I can't. I don't want to get Linkin's friends in trouble and who would believe me anyway? Who would believe the mute over the group of elite werewolves and vampires?

I reach the library and am about to open the door when a pleasant smell hits my nose. It is so intoxicating, I cant help but search for the source.
Honey and peaches.
The aromatic scent fills my entire being, I relaxed myself. Relax never comes easy to me. I constantly have to look over my shoulder because someone could push me, but I can actually relax and a feeling of safety washes over me.

The smell is coming from inside the library. I follow it until I come near a table with a group of four girls. I quickly hide behind a shelf next to their table.

Three of them, I recognize as Alpha princess Chloe, Princess Darcy and Megan, an omega who I've come across a few times here in the library. The other girl, I do not know, but she must be friends with Megan.

I've always admired the princesses. They are not stuck up and vain. They actually care about other people and like spending their free time talking to omegas.
I once hoped for them to come to me one day, but that hope was taken from me when I was forced to leave the cafeteria because I am too disgusting to sit at a table. But if I wasn't chased away from the cafeteria, I would've never found the clearing behind the school that has become my second sanctuary so that situation turned for the better.

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