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"It's time to get up! Get up! Get up!"

I awake to an excited Darcy jumping on my bed as if it's a bounce house.
I groan and throw a pillow at her. She hexes it away.

"Come on birthday girl!" She says and conjoures up a storm of confetti and streamers.

The sparkly colourful mess surrounds me and makes my simple bedroom look like a sea of glitter and rainbows.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Chloe, happy birthday to you!" Mia, followed by Kaden, Anastasia and their parents all walk in singing.

A big grin crawls on to my face.
"Thanks all of you," I say with a smile, " now get out! I need to get dressed!!"

Instead of leaving, they all crack up.
What's the joke?

"Darcy, get her a mirror!" Kaden says in hysterics.

Darcy fades away then reappears with my blue handheld mirror.

"What happened to my hair!!" I scream.

It was a sickly green colour. No offence to green haired beauties, but I look like a sea creature.

Everyone starts laughing all over again. I roll my eyes then run to my bathroom and grab the blonde dye.

I'd rather have a normal hair colour than look like I was a guest at a slime fest.

About an hour later, I exit the bathroom with my now strawberry blonde hair.

"Blonde is cute on you, Chlo! But it's my colour." Darcy says as soon as she sees me.

My bed is neatly made and there aren't any streamers and confetti bits on the floor.

"Then gimme back my hair colour!" I playfully scowled.

"Wait, here's something we can do!" Darcy exclaims then lifts her palms to face me. Her hands give out a faint blue glow and her eyes glow a shade of blue before returning to their previous green colour.


I sprint to my dresser and gasp in awe at my new hair colour. It's still it's brown colour, but it fades to blonde at the tips, giving it an ombre look.

"Thanks Darce! Let's go down for breakfast." I say running out of the room still in my Minnie Mouse pajamas.

What? I may be a future queen, but I'm still a kid at heart.

The delicious smell of waffles and various fruits fills my nose.
I eagerly walk to the kitchen to find warm waffles with ice cream and chocolate sauce on top, with a side of fruit salad in peach yogurt.

Darcy appears next to me dressed in a waiter's suit paired with shiny black heels and her blonde and green hair in a tight bun.

"Breakfast is ready, Alpha princess Chloe." She says with a bow and a wink.

"Why thank yew!" I say in my posh British accent. 


I slip on a pair of plain white Converse. If I'm going to be on my feet for about four hours, I at least need to be comfortable.
No one will see them underneath my ball gown anyway.

I reach for the gold tiara with sapphires on it. I take a few seconds to admire it before setting it on my head. The blue jewels brought out my eyes.

I look at myself in my full length mirror, almost being shocked by what I see.

My straightened out brown-and-blonde hair flows down my back.

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