Chapter 2: Vertina's Makeover

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The emotion he saw was.....

Narrater's P.O.V. (Sir Tiergan)

He couldn't believe it! It was love! The reason Sophie and Fitz couldn't reach their full cognatedom power was because of some silly crush. Then again, now that he knew that both of them reciprocated each other's feelings, they could reach their full potential. But that was going to take a lot of convincing. Plus, he didn't want to admit that he sort of tricked this information out. What to do, what to do..... 

That's when Sir Tiergan had another one of his "brilliant" plans!

Narrater's P.O.V. 

After Sophie and Fitz's rather confusing telepathy class, they headed down to the leapmaster. Biana was already there waiting for them. 

"Hey, Sophie!" Yelled Biana

"Why are you yelling? I'm right here!"


"Woah! Slow down! I can't understand a word you're saying!" Sophie told her apparently really excited friend.

"Basically, my mom just called me on my imparter and told me to invite you and our friends for a one week sleepover!" Biana said, slightly slower. A/N Hmmm I wonder where Della suddenly got this idea...*hint hint

"That sounds really fun! But don't we have school?" Sophie asked

"Yeah, that's what I thought at first too! But I totally forgot that we had spring break! A/N I don't know if FoxFire has this but let's pretend it does.

"Oh! Then I'll come over right after I pack some stuff from Havenfield. We are going to be there for an entire week."

"Okay then! See you soon!"

Sophie's P.O.V

As soon as I got to Havenfield, I raced towards my room. Then I came back down into the living room. I needed to ask Grady and Edaline for permission first! 

"Mom? Dad?" I said

"Yes, honey?" Edaline replied

"Can I go to Everglen for a week-long sleepover? It's springbreak!"

"Will that BOY be there?" Grady questioned.

"Well, probably. He is our friend." 

"Nevermind your father." Edaline said. "You deserve to do some teenage things after having defeated the neverseen." A/N To clear up any confusion, Sophie is around 15 right now. 

"Thanks mom!" Sophie said, gratefully. Then she ran up to her room again. 

I wonder what to wear. There's really nothing in my closet, but I do want to impress Fitz even if he doesn't like me back. Maybe then he might start liking me just a tiny bit. Then I scolded myself. No Sophie! He doesn't like you that way, don't get your hopes up.


I turned around to see Vertina shouting at me. 

"What? I'm trying to get ready"

"Ugh, we both know your fashion senses are... well, not the best. But I'll help you!"

Sophie reluctantly agreed, knowing Vertina was right.

"Okay, grab that dress in the corner of your closet!" 

Sophie looked around and finally saw a red dress hidden in her closet. It was pretty simple so that was a bonus.

"Now come here to do your make up."

"Nooooo" Sophie groaned.

Eventually, she got up and headed over to her vanity. Vertina had her to a gold eyeshadow blending out with some brown. Then she had to put on mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss, and blush. Even though she'd probably being blushing the entire week at Everglen.

 Even though she'd probably being blushing the entire week at Everglen

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(But without the accessories)

(But without the accessories)

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When Vertina was finally done with Sophie, she had to admit that Vertina did a great job. She ran to her leapmaster 500. But before Sophie walked into the light, she realized that this was going to be an interesting week. Then she stepped into the light.

A/N Thanks for reading! Comment down below what sort of pranks or games you would like to see for this sleepover!

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