Chapter 10: The Greatest Revenge of All Time

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Keefe's P.O.V.

Today was the day I thought. The greatest of all days. The most wonderful day of the year. The day we prank bangs boy. Sure, we're also pranking Biana, Dex, and Linh, but bangs boy is the main victim. I turned around to see Marella still sleeping peacefully. She was the one who suggested revenge pranking. It was literally like we were made for each other. After a few minutes had passed, I couldn't wait any longer and decided to wake Marella up. 

"Marella!" I whisper-shouted.

"Huh?..." She said, still obviously half-asleep. 

"WAKE UP!" I shouted. And with that loud noise, she basically jumped out of bed and almost face-planted off. I burst into laughter because I just couldn't hold it in. But Marella had her pouty face on and it was too cute to ignore. I held both my hands up in surrender then walked over to her. I surprised her by grabbing her waist and twirling her around before placing her down and giving her a quick kiss on the cheeks.

"All better?" I asked.

"All better." She replied. "Now, what are we waiting for? We have a prank to plan!"

Della's P.O.V.

I was just finalizing breakfast on the dining table when I saw Keefe and Marella come down the stairs. Huh, I thought. I was normally the only one up at this time.

"Hello, Keefe. Hello Marella. Anything you need?"

"Nope! We're just here to help you!" Marella said excitedly. 

"Yup!" Keefe agreed. 

"Well, that's very nice of you guys. I'm pretty much done with the food, but you guys could help pour the lush berry juices."

"That's perfect!" Marella responded. And I could've sworn there was a twinkle of evilness in her eyes. 

"Okay then, just make sure to call your friends down when you're done!" I called out before heading back to my room.

Fitz's P.O.V.

As the sun hit my face, I realized I had forgotten to close the shades. But, it was okay since it was pretty much time to get up anyway. I turned to Sophie and tried to wake her up. 

"Sophie? *No response* Sophie? Wake up! *No response*" I finally tried what she did and kissed her gently on her soft lips. She grinned and opened her eyes. 

"Wow, that actually worked!" Sophie said with a smile. I realized she did the exact same thing I did to her to earn a kiss. I smiled back and was about to kiss her again when we heard shouting coming from downstairs. 

"Everyone come downstairs for breakfast!!!"

That was weird. My mom normally doesn't call us down like that.

"Well, I guess it's breakfast time," I told Sophie. Then I swept her off the bed, put her on my back, and carried her down the stairs while she squealed with joy. She was just too cute. Once I reached the dining room, I put her down and we walked over to our seats, casually. Although everyone was probably wondering about all the loud squealing. 

"Where's mom?" I asked Biana.

"I don't know. She's normally here to at least say hello at breakfast."

Just then, Keefe banged his knife on his cup.

"Attention people!" He shouted.

"Keefe! First off, that is not how you get attention, and second off you're being way too loud." Biana told him.

"Yeah, but I have all your guy's attention now, right?" Keefe retorted. Everyone in the room rolled their eyes. 

"Anyways, my announcement was, Marella and I decided to try out a new drink recipe." No one liked where this was going. 

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