Chapter 31: Marella And Keefe's Date

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Marella's P.O.V.

"Where are we going, Keefe?" I asked. It had been about 10 minutes and I was still blindfolded. 

"We're almost there!" Keefe replied. "Okay, we're here now, open your eyes!" I opened my eyes to a harsh blue light shining in my face. 

"We're light leaping? Why did we have to walk around for like ten minutes! We could've done this anywhere!"

"Well, I wanted to create suspense!" Keefe said as a matter of fact. I sighed but couldn't help smiling at his silliness. 

"Alright, let's go then!" I exclaimed. Keefe nodded and we took a step towards the light. I knew something was off but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. A few steps before we had reached the light, it dawned on me. The crystal was BLUE.

"Keefe?" I asked slowly. "Why is the crystal blue?" 

"Uh- Nothing to worry about!" Then we ran into the light. 

Once we reappeared I looked around and gasped. 


"Calm down," He whispered. "You're drawing too much attention. Plus, it'll be fun! I promise!" I crossed my arms and looked at him with my eyebrows raised. 

"Are you sure?" 

"100 percent! I'd bet my life on it!" 

"Let's not go that far... But how about a deal. If I don't enjoy myself, I get one unlimited dare from you!" I compromised.

"And what if you do?" Keefe asked. 

"Then I won't tell anyone that we went to the Forbidden Cities. It'll be our secret!" Keefe smiled at that and agreed. 

"Deal!" Then he took my hand and we walked around. "Wait, I still don't know where we're going," I told Keefe. 

"We're going somewhere really fun! Then we'll get something that I've always wanted to try."

"Okay..." I said. Then we walked for five more minutes. "This is getting really long Keefe. Shouldn't we call one of those Ubies or something?" And then I got an even better idea. I jumped on his back. 

"Hey! What are you doing?" 

"Getting a ride?" I told him with my best smile. 

"Fine, but only because it's you." I giggled and lay against Keefe's back, closing my eyes. 

After what had to have been at least 15 minutes, we arrived at Keefe's destination. I slid off his back and looked at the door. I could see a lot of humans inside. 

"Are you sure about this?" I asked nervously. 

"Totally! We look exactly like humans! We'll blend in perfectly!" Keefe exclaimed. I nodded and took his hand as he led us inside. My eyes opened wide at the huge place. 

"OH MY GOSH YOU WERE TOTALLY RIGHT THIS LOOKS LIKE SO MUCH FUN!" I squealed, which was pretty rare and showed exactly how excited I was.

"Told you!" Keefe smirked. I rolled my eyes and dragged him to a line which I assumed would be the entrance ticket place. A few minutes later, we were facing a lady with a tight ponytail. 

"Welcome, to Jump, Jump, Jump! Which ticket will you be buying today?" 

"Umm..." I didn't really know what she had said since I didn't know the human language that well. I squinted my eyes at the sign to try and read it but it didn't help either.

"Yes, please?" I tried.

"Excuse me? Which one would you like?" The lady said weirdly. It sounded like she was saying gibberish. I looked at Keefe and poked him in the ribs. 

"Oh- Right umm... We... will... have... the... hour... one...?" Keefe said, really slowly in the English language. I had caught a few words but not much. Hoopefully we passed as foreigners. The lady looked at him weirdly but nodded and taped a piece of paper around our wrists. We nodded our thanks and rushed out of there. Once we reached the place with people jumping all over the place, I sighed a relief and turned to Keefe.

"That was really close, you know? It's weird that 2 teenagers can't speak English!" I told Keefe.

"Sorry, but I handled it pretty well, right?" 

"You handled it... Okay I guess," I responded. Keefe looked really cute when he got all confident when I said that so I had to forgive him. "Let's just have fun!" I exclaimed. Keefe smiled and we ran into the place with a bunch of black squares. 

"You know, I'm really surprised at how high these humans can jump." Keefe observed.

"I know, right?" We stepped onto a black square and Keefe fell, face first and I landed on top of him a few seconds later. I groaned and got up. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT?" Keefe exclaimed. 

"I don't know, but it was pretty painful. Is this what humans consider fun?"

"I guess so! Let's do it again!" And with that he stood up carefully and jumped like the people around us. "WOAH! You can jump so much higher on these things! Join me Marella!" It did look like a lot of fun so I decided to give it another try. I got up and hopped a little. Then I got used to it and we started jumping around the whole place. It was definitely a lot of fun. Keefe started doing all of these cool tricks and flipping around everywhere. It drew quite a spectacle and I watched him, smiling the entire time. 

Once our time was up, we walked out breathing heavily and our faces flushed. I turned to Keefe.

"That was a really fun date Keefe. It was definitely not traditional but I still loved it and had so much fun!"

"So, no dare?" He asked.

"No dare," I confirmed. Keefe let out a sigh of relief before taking my hand and running off to a store. After we reached the place, I was even more out of breath and my face was probably an even deeper shade of red.

"Why *pant* did *pant* you *pant* do *pant* that?" 

"Because! It's the 2nd part of our date!" I was a little skeptical of how this tiny shop was going to beat the jumping place, but I went in with Keefe anyways. It was a lot cooler in there so that was a relief. Keefe walked up to someone standing behind what looked like a counter with a glass shield and started talking to him. I couldn't understand most of their conversation but I could tell that Keefe was doing a lot more hand gestures than actually talking. A few minutes later, he returned to where I was sitting with some sort of cone in his hand. It had a black and white ball on top of it. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Ice cream!" Keefe replied.

"What's that?" 

"It's a human dessert. I've been wanting to try it as soon as I heard about it from Fitz." I inspected one of the ice creams before taking it. 

"How do I eat it?" I asked. "Looks kind of like ice."

"You lick it." Then Keefe licked his ice cream to demonstrate. I had to admit, it was a little weird at first. I licked it with the very tip of my tongue. The ice cream felt cold but refreshing and tasted amazing. So we sat there at the table, chatting about anything and everything while licking our ice creams. And I had full confidence that it was the best day of my life. 

A/N It is very sad to see the date chapters over... Because that means it's the end of Friday which means that the sleepover is almost over. I hate to end this story, especially since I loved writing it for you guys. I'll definitely make an epilogue or a few chapters on what happens in the future. I really hope you guys loved this book in general and I will be releasing the last chapter (Not the epilogue) tomorrow. If you liked this story and want to read more written by me, please go to my profile and comment which ship I should base my next book on. It's mainly between Sophitz and Sokeefe and I think the last time I checked, it was Sokeefe! But it's so close and I really don't want to write another story until I know that the majority of my readers out there are going to enjoy it. So if you want to help me with my next story, comment your opinions! @SophieRose72 Now, onto writing the last chapters. 

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