Author's Note

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Hello to all of my readers! Thank you so much for reading my story. I know not a lot of people like the author's notes, neither do I, but this one has a really IMPORTANT announcement. The first one is, this book is not over yet. Yay! I will still create an epilogue about everyone's future! So that will most likely come out tomorrow or Saturday. The second announcement is that I need your help with my next story. I am doing a human KOTLC fanfic because I personally think those are really fun to read. (They will probably be in college.) Anyways, the problem is, I was planning on doing one Sophitz and one Sokeefe. But now that I know I have so many readers who can help me, I decided that I need your opinions on what I should do next. The first choice is a human Sokeefe book! The second is a human Sophitz book! Please comment your opinion on my profile: SophieRose72, or down in the comments! I would love to write about either ships, I just want to make the majority of my readers happy. So as soon as a majority wins, I can't wait to start writing my next book for you guys! Thanks for reading this author's note, I really appreciate it if you read the whole thing. So give me your guy's opinions and until my next story, bye! (Except in my epilogue of course)

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