Chapter 32: The Sophitz Sleepover

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Narrator's P.O.V. 

Biana and Tam were sitting on the floor of the living room, waiting for their friends to come back. 

"Do you think something happened to them?" Biana asked nervously.

"I'm sure they'll be here any minute," Tam assured. Biana nodded and a few minutes later, Linh and Dex came into the living room. Biana let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you guys are here, I thought something had happened to you!" Biana exclaimed.

"Don't worry, we're back!" Linh exclaimed back.

"So, Dex, where did you take Linh?" Tam questioned. Dex gulped. 

"Uh- Um... I-I took her to..."

"Moonglade!" Linh jumped in, saving Dex from Tam. "I had a wonderful time, so no need for all of your questions, okay?" 

"Fine," Tam answered. As Linh and Dex sat down, Keefe and Marella entered the room. 

"Hey, guys!" Keefe waved. Everyone except Tam waved back. 

"What! Not happy to see me, Bangs Boy?" Tam's glare was answer enough. 

"Alright, alright, no need for the death glare!" Keefe joked.

"Okay, that's enough of that Keefe," Marella interfered, not wanting a Keefe vs Tam fight to start. She took Keefe's arm and pulled him down to sit next to her. 

"So? Anybody hear from Sophie and Fitz?" Biana asked.

"Nope! But knowing our lovebirds, I'd say they're still on their date," Keefe smirked. Biana sighed, "I guess they have to leave their nests sometime..." Tam sympathetically put his arm around Biana. 

"Why the grim looks? I mean isn't this what we wanted for Sophie and Fitz? That was basically the whole point of this sleepover. To bring them together, right?" Marella asked. 

"I know, it's just... Our mission is kinda... Over. You know? If they're together now, we can't meet up to tease them about blushing or getting together or how cute they look! What would we even do?" Biana exclaimed.

"Umm, I don't know maybe talk about any of the MILLIONS of other topics in the world?" Marella suggested.

"I guess, it just won't be the same."

"I'm with Biana on this one. I mean it's like if Foster suddenly stopped blushing!" Keefe said in horror. Everyone quickly nodded, agreeing that would be crazy. 

"It's like... We've wanted Sophie and Fitz to get together for so long, but now that they have, I feel so... Empty." Biana sighed. 

"Don't worry, there will always be other lovers who you can help get together! Plus, we will never ever stop being friends," Linh said cheerfully.

"You know what? You are absolutely right Linh! It's not like we're going to randomly stop meeting just because Sophie and Fitz are together now!" Biana exclaimed, reclaiming her cheerfulness. "But I do want to remember this week forever. I mean, I know this sleepover was mainly for making Sophitz official, but it was also the week where we became closer as friends, and at least for me, the week where I found my true love." Biana stopped to look at Tam. 

"Us too," Linh and Dex chimed in. 

"Me as well," Keefe quietly said, looking at the floor and turning pink. Marella gently lifted Keefe's chin to face her.

"So did I." 

Keefe's smile was nothing like the smirks he usually gave, but full of pure happiness and joy. And besides Tam's soft snickering that was quickly muffled by an elbow in the ribs from Linh, it was a pretty sweet moment for everyone.  

"This is exactly what I'm talking about," Biana said. "This was the week where we all found our true loves. The week where our dream ship came true. This kind of event NEEDS a name! A name we'll look back on forever to remember... And I know the perfect one." Biana paused here for a dramatic effect. A few seconds later, she finished her thought.

"The Sophitz Sleepover."

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