Chapter 17: The Matchmakers!

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Sophie's P.O.V.

When they reached Atlantis's entrance, Biana excitedly opened a whirlpool and jumped in, dragging all of us with her. A/N I think that's how you get in...

We landed on the sponge then jumped back up. No matter how many times I came here, it was even more breathtaking each time. But Biana, being the excited girl she is, immediately called Eurypterids and a chariot. She got in, pulling Tam in as well. Dex and Linh went next, Keefe and Marella following shortly after. 

"What's wrong, Sophie?" Fitz asked. I blushed, not wanting to admit the I was scared of these creatures. No one else ever seemed to be bothered by them

"Uhh... Nothing!" Fitz looked at me for a second before heading into the chariot as well. I took a deep breath and walked towards it. 

"Oh no! There's no more room. I guess I'll go back home!" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Biana rolled her eyes at me.

"Nonsense Sophie!" Then she reached over and pulled me in, having me land on Fitz's lap. I blushed, knowing we were so close together in such a public place. I hated gossiping, I always have because of my human high school experience. Even if no one was gossiping, I could always hear it in the minds anyways. My mood darkened at the thought. But I quickly recovered when I felt Fitz's strong arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. It felt safe somehow, even if I was riding in a chariot, underwater, pulled by some sea scorpion thingy. I closed my eyes and relaxed, barely noticing when we reached our destination. Fitz lifted me up and put me down outside the chariot and then got out himself. I focused my attention on the intimidating building that stood in front of me. Just thinking of how this building was going to shape my entire future made me want to lose my lunch. I kept staring until I felt someone's hand on mine. 

"Hey, we'll walk in together," Fitz told her.

"Together," I nodded. Then we walked into the building. 

Right away, someone came up to us and started talking. She had striking red hair that was curled up into a meticulous bun and a straight face that made me wonder if she ever smiled.

"Appointment for Biana Vacker, Dexter Dizznee, Fitzroy Vacker, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, Marella Redek, Sophie Foster, and Tam Song?" We all nodded our heads and she led us to a waiting room. 

"Your guides for the day will be right out." 

I breathed in and out. This was really happening. I felt like I was going to explode from the nervousness. So I pulled out an eyelash and started counting. After about 47 seconds, 8 figures walked into the room. They all pulled one of my friends into the room they came out of until it was just me and a guide. She had blonde hair that was in soft curls, instead of a bun, and a genuine smile on her face. She took me into her room last. 

"Hi! My name is Ari and I will be your guide. How are you today?" She asked me.

"Umm, I'm okay I guess," I mumbled. She chuckled.

"Nervous, huh?" She guessed.

"Yeah... Pretty much."

"Don't worry, the process isn't as embarrassing or gruesome as you're thinking." Then she whispered, "Plus, I'm the best one here." I giggled at that and started to feel my tense shoulders relax.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked. She nodded. "How come everyone's hair, except yours, is in a bun?"

"It's actually a sign of unity. That we always come across as being together and always connected. Like when DNAs combine, similar to the councilors. But mine is down because I don't believe in that. I think everyone is different and that's what makes them unique. We shouldn't all be the same because everyone's different personalities are all important and that is what creates different ways of thinking."

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