Chapter 23: Biana's Big Plan

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Dex's P.O.V.

I had barely slept last night, worrying about my date with Linh. And as a result, I was terribly tired right now. But I still couldn't sleep! I had asked Linh on a date but I haven't even thought of where to take her! I couldn't ruin my chances with Linh because I failed our first date. The girl I loved. I wouldn't think of spending my entire life with anyone different. But that wouldn't happen if I couldn't think of a perfect first date! 

"Dex? Are you awake?" I turned to my left to see Linh, awake. 

"Did I wake you?"

"I was already pretty much awake..." 

"Sorry about that, I just couldn't stop worrying about our date." I sat up on the bed to think a little more clearly. 

"No need to worry! I would be happy with wherever we go, as long as it's with you!" Linh comforted. I relaxed a little bit but was still worried about our date. Where would I go? I sighed, wondering if I would ever find the perfect place. It needed to be someplace special to me that I wanted to show Linh..... That's when I got a perfect idea! It was private, beautiful, and had a great view. It really was perfect. Now, all I had to do was get it ready in time for our date tomorrow. 

"Thanks for helping me out Linh!" 

"What did I do?" She asked.

"Well, I just got an idea for our date, which would've never happened if you hadn't helped me relax!" 

"I'm sure it was all you. You have the best ideas!" I smiled, wondering how I got so lucky with such a wonderful girl. 

"You know Linh, you mean the world to me." I moved closer to her so I could look into her bright, silvery-blue eyes.

"You mean the world to me too, Dex!" 

"I-I love you." Linh didn't say anything back for a few seconds. I had blown it! I couldn't believe that I just ruined everything. I looked away embarrassed, staring at the opposite wall of Linh so I wouldn't have to face her. I was about to get out of bed and walk out of the room when Linh gently placed her hands on my face and turned it so we were looking directly into each other's eyes. Then she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I smiled against her lips, not knowing what this meant but enjoying every second of it. When we pulled apart, I was speechless but was so glad that Linh wasn't, because her next words were ones I would remember for the rest of my life.

"I love you too, Dex."

Marella's P.O.V.

I laid there in bed, right next to Keefe, deep in thought. After a while, I decided that it was time to get up and go to breakfast.

"Keefe, wake up," I whispered. 

"Mmm?" He mumbled, obviously not wanting to get up. Well, it's fine since I have a plan anyway.

"Keefe? WAKE UP OR I WILL POUR ICE WATER ON YOU!" I shouted. He shot up faster than I had ever thought possible.

"NOT THE HAIR!" He exclaimed. I laughed, wondering how that worked so well. Keefe rolled his eyes before heading back to bed. But I quickly jumped in front.

"Nope! We need to go eat breakfast!" 

"Fine. But I'm coming back to bed right afterward!" He declared.

"Yeah... That's not gonna happen. Biana apparently has some sort of plan for us and knowing her, it's gonna be impossible to get out of." 

"What plan?" Keefe asked, now intrigued. 

"I'm not sure. All she said last night was that she would tell us during breakfast. So hurry up!" Keefe nodded, now wanting to know Biana's announcement as well. He rushed towards the door to go to the dining room.

"Keefe! Wait!" I shouted.

"What? We need to hurry!" He replied. I giggled, "Don't you want to put on a shirt first?" He looked down and realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"I'm sure no one would mind!" He joked.

"Nope! You are not showing up shirtless to breakfast!" I told him and tossed a shirt at him.

"Okay, fine! But only if you catch me!" Then he opened the door and started running in the hallway. I quickly rushed out to follow him and poured all my energy into my legs as Sophie had taught me. In no time at all, I had caught up to Keefe and tackled him.  

"Woah! You are fast!" 

"Yup!" I exclaimed, tossing my hair back. "Sophie taught me! Now, put on your shirt!" He seemed a bit sad he had lost but put on his shirt anyways. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks to cheer him up and it definitely worked. His smile lit up his face as he grabbed my hands and ran off to the dining room. 

When we reached the table, I saw that the food was already out and our friends were already sitting. 

"Hurry up please! I'm starving!" Sophie said. Technically, Sophie was always hungry, but I sat down quickly anyways, hungry myself as well. One delicious meal later, Biana stood up to tell us her big plans for the day. 

"As some of you have heard, I've created a big plan for today," Biana started off. "You guys are absolutely going to love it! Today................." Biana paused for a dramatic effect. "Is going to be a HUMAN LOLLAPALOZZA!"

A/N I know this was super short, but I wanted to have an individual chapter for the HUMAN LOLLAPALOOZA! Comment down below what you think this means! Also, I want to thank you guys for reading this story and if you voted, commented, followed me @SophieRose72! I really appreciate it. Anyways, I better get started on writing this next chapter for you guys!

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