Chapter 7: Bed Time! Or is it?

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A/N OMG, you guys! We hit over 20 reads! It might not seem like a lot, but it meant the world to me. Thank you so much for reading my story, it makes me so much more motivated to continue. And if you could even vote or comment for this story, it would just make my day. Now on to the story!

Fitz's P.O.V. 

I couldn't believe it. The Great Sophie Foster admitted she liked me. And I said it right back! She looked really beautiful, even in a dark, cramped closet. I saw her eyes look into mine and move to my lips for a slight second. I did the same. We were so close, I could feel her breath on my cheeks. I didn't want to rush her into anything, but she was so close and all I wanted to do was kiss her. I leaned in and felt overjoyed when she didn't back away. But at the last possible second, Biana practically ripped the door out, not even bothering to knock. Worst. Timing. Ever. A/N Sorry guys! I felt like their first kiss should be more magical than in some old closet. I promise it's coming up!

"Biana! What's wrong with you? Don't you know how to knock?" I was really annoyed at her for ruining the moment. But she didn't even look sorry.

"Whatever! It's time to go to bed!!!" She squealed happily.

Huh? When was Biana ever excited to go to bed? I got a tiny bit suspicious, and I was right because there was a twist.

"I think we should sleep with the opposite gender! All in favor raise your hands!" 

Everyone raised their hands except me and Sophie.

"Well, that settles it! I'll be choosing the partners!" Biana exclaimed happily.

"Biana, normally in the human version, you pick the names out of a hat!" Sophie said.

"Okay FINE! We'll have a vote again!" Biana said evily. "All in favor of my idea?"

Again, everyone except me and Sophie raised their hands.

"That settles that!"

"I feel like this is unfair." I said

"What? Why would you think that?" Biana replied, innocently. 

"Let's continue! So, Sophie will be with Fitz, Keefe will be with Marella, Dex will be with Linh, and I'll be with Tam!"

"Ugh fine" I agreed. Although secretly I was happy I got to sleep with Sophie.

Time Skip to everyone going to their own rooms - Sophie is in Fitz's 

I walked into my room, knowing Sophie was right behind me. I turned around to say we were here, but she was gone. 


"Sophie?" I said again, but this time more urgently. I was starting to get a little worried. That's when a panting Sophie came running into my room. 

"Sorry about that Fitz! Biana insisted on picking out my pajamas and wouldn't let me leave until I agreed. Where can I change?" She asked.

"Oh! You can change here, and I'll go into my closet." Then I went into my closet. After a minute or two, I finished changing and walked out and saw Sophie wearing the pajamas Biana picked out. It wasn't too much clothes, but I didn't mind because her body was perfect in every way. Plus I had walked out with no shirt at all." 

"Wow you look really nice

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"Wow you look really nice..." I complimented.

She blushed and returned the compliment. She was so cute when she blushed. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she threw a pillow at me and exclaimed pillow fight! I smiled and replied with

"Oh, it's on!"

We hit each other with the soft pillows until I got tired and gave up. Instead, I started to tickle her. She giggled and laughed so hard. She looked and sounded so cute. As I was admiring her, she took it as a chance to come back at me and tickle me on the only spot I was ticklish. Biana must've told her. I laughed and laughed until my sides hurt. I didn't even notice that she on top of me on the bed. But as soon as we noticed, we both blushed and Sophie rolled over to the side. I lay there for awhile, thinking that Sophie could be sleeping with me for the entire week. I quickly fell asleep at that thought, happy Sophie was with me.

Time skip to midnight

At around midnight, I heard something moving and saw it was Sophie. She wasn't crying, but she looked absolutely terrified. She was leaving the room and I followed her, worried about what made her leave.

Sophie's P.O.V. 

I hope Fitz didn't see me leave. I just had a bad dream and needed to get some fresh air. It wasn't the normal type of dream where I woke up crying and scared, but instead, this one made me terrified out of my wits. The neverseen were back, but this time they didn't try to hurt the people I loved. However, it was like they were really in my dreams and attacking me. I didn't get hurt physically because I was in a dream and it was like I was a ghost. Yet every time they threw another throwing star at me, it felt like I was back in the cave they kidnapped me. It was like reliving the memory, terrified that no one would ever find me again, until I couldn't take it anymore and finally woke up, out of breath. I walked out onto Everglen's large grounds and found myself going into the garden Fitz showed me before. It was covered with lots of flowers and a beautful waterfall that turned into a crystal clear lake. I collapsed on the soft grass floor and started breathing in and out. Soon, I had calmed myself down and began to think about all the good things in my life. My parents. My health. My friends. Fitz. I really liked Fitz. He was always there for me and was so thoughtful all the time. I-I-I think I loved him. No. I definitely loved him. That's when I heard a crunch behind me. I tracked the thoughts and realized it was Fitz.

"Fitz? I know it's you."

"Oh, sorry I followed you out." He said. "I was just worried about you."

My heart practically melted, knowing that Fitz Vacker was worried about me and got up at midnight just to make sure I was okay. He came closer to me and sat down on the grass.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream."

"You know I'm always here for you, right?" Then he pulled me into a hug. 

I looked up into his beautiful teal eyes that shined brighter than ever. Slowly he inched closer to me, and I wondered if he was going to kiss me. And then he did. His lips gently kissed mine, and I kissed him back. The kiss was magical. It felt like time stopped and there was no one but us in the moment. Our mouths moved in sync and I really enjoyed it. At last, we slowly pulled away, breathlessly.

"Wow..." We both said at the same time. Fitz pulled my in close and we lied down on the soft grass floor. He kissed my head and whispered, 

"I love you Sophie." 

"I love you too" I whispered back. 

A/N That's the end of the 7th chapter. What do you guys think? Will Sophitz become official? How about the Matchmaking Scrolls? Comment down below if I should do the P.O.V.s of the other 3 couples. Thanks for reading and please vote my story, if you want to! 

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