Chapter 8: An Epic Rainbow Prank

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GUYS. We hit 40+ reads! It's more than I could ever imagine so thank you for reading my story. Special thanks to "-_-The-_-Tea-_-" for voting and commenting on my story! It really motivates me to continue. Well, on to the story!

Biana's P.O.V.

As I woke up I turned slightly to see Tam next to me. The memories of last night came flooding back. Awww, I remember Tam being really sweet last night when it was just me. A/N I know! Who would've thunk? Suddenly, I sat up, also remembering that my brother and Sophie were sharing a room. 

"Whaa?" Tam said, sleepily.

"OMG Tam! Sophitz could be happening at this very second! We have to check their bedroom!" 

"How do you have this much energy in the morning?" Tam mumbled as he slowly went back to sleep.

"Tam?" I said, trying to wake him up.

"Tam?" I repeated, but slightly louder.

"TAM!" I shouted, then shook him. Then I got an idea. I kissed him gently. He smiled and opened his eyes. I should've tried that first! 

"Yay! You're awake now! Let's go see Sophitz happening!" I squealed happily.

"Yeah, but I'm not completely awake yet..." Tam said. A/N Sneaky Tam

I had a feeling I knew what he was talking about, so I helped him up and kissed him again. This time, it was much more passionate. And it still felt just as magical as the first time. After about a few minutes we pulled away, breathless.

"Okay, I'm definitely awake now." Tam said with a smirk. I giggled and led him to Fitz's room. But I stopped mid-step when I saw that the bed was empty.

"How come they aren't here?" Tam asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "Let's get the others." I dragged him to to the first guestroom where Dex and Linh were staying and opened the door. I saw them snuggling and thought, how cute. 

"Ahem..." Tam cleared his throat, very loudly. Linh and Dex saw him and jumped apart, blushing hard.

"Tam! They were having a moment!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly what I was afraid of!" He replied. I playfully smacked him on the arm and filled Dex and Linh in on the Sophitz situation. 

"Let's get Keefe and Marella now!" We all started walking towards the second guest bedroom when Dex stopped us. 

"What?" I asked.

"Think about it. Keefe is in a room with Marella, completely unsuspecting. And we, are all here TOGETHER." Dex explained. "Anyone getting what I mean?"

"Ohhh," Tam said suddenly, apparently understanding. "I know what you mean, and I'm completely on board." 

"What is is?" Linh and I both asked.

"WE PRANK KEEFE!" The boys shouted at the same time. Linh and I burst into giggles and agreed. But it had to be a great prank.

"Okay, I have an idea." Tam began. "We wait until Keefe leaves to go to the bathroom and Linh draws a message using water that says to meet us right outside the door if you want to prank Keefe. Knowing Marella, she probably will. Then we explain to her that she needs to say that she kissed another boy last night. Then pretend to look really guilty and run out. Biana will vanish Dex and Linh, and I'll hide with my shadows. Once Keefe runs out to follow Marella, she needs to look in distress and say okay I'll tell you more details, but first you might need some water. Then she hands him the water that we previously put a hair elixir in. It should turn his hair the color of the rainbow and make it styled horribly ugly. After he drinks it, we walk in and shout pranked you!" Tam finished.

"Wow," we all said.

"It seems like you've had this all planned out for a while now Tam" Linh implied. Tam blushed at this and just replied with a you never know when you might need one.

"It's a great plan, but I know how to humiliate Keefe even more." Dex said, smiling mischievously. "Before Marella tells him that she kissed another boy, she gets him to dress up in the most ridiculous outfit. Then as he runs out, we put cling wrap on the door and cover it with paint."

"What's cling wrap?" I asked.

"Oh! It's this human contraption I found in the Forbidden Cities. It's thin and clear and it apparently clings to everything. After Marella tells him the news, I doubt he's going to worry about his clothes and we'll make sure the paint is perfectly aligned so none gets in his eyes and makes him want to wash it up. Then, when he drinks the hair elixir, he'll look like a real life clown!" Dex exclaimed.

"Oooh! Then we'll take a picture and use it to blackmail him into 2 dares." I added evily.

"That is genius!" Dex, Linh, and Tam all said at the same time.

"Okay, it seems like we have a beautiful prank in motion. Let's get started!" I said excitedly.

We first filled the water with the hair elixir and then cling wrapped the door with paint. Then we waited for Keefe to use the bathroom. When he did, Linh gave Marella the message, warning her to go underneath the door.

"Yes! I love the prank idea!" Marella agreed, with a spark of evil in her eyes. Then she went back to initiate the plan. And we disappeared to make sure we wouldn't be seen by Keefe. After a few minutes, we heard footsteps coming towards us. Marella ran out, going underneath the door, but Keefe got a face full of paint. We had put every color on the cling wrap, so it looked like Keefe was wearing a rainbow mask. Marella had also managed to get Keefe to wear the most hilarious rainbow shirt, baggy pants, and huge shoes. It took all of my will power to not give us away by laughing. Then we followed Keefe down the stairs and to the kitchen where Marella was sitting and holding a glass of "water". She looked devastated and Keefe walked over to her. I wondered how Marella was looking right into Keefe's eyes and not bursting into laughter. I saw Keefe drink the water and his hair turned into the rainbow mess we had planned. He looked surprised and confused. Right at the moment, we all stopped hiding and ran over to Keefe.

"PRANKED YOU!" Everyone shouted. I quickly took a picture of his hilarious rainbow disaster. 

"Wait, so this was all a prank?" Keefe asked, confused.

"Yup! Marella was in on it too!" I shouted.

"I want to be mad, but this is a pretty epic prank." He admitted.

"Well, it's about to get even more epic, because we have a picture. And we're not deleting it until you agree to 2 dares." Tam added.

"Bangs boy! How could you do this to me?" 

"It honestly wansn't that hard..." Tam said with a smirk. Then we all burst into another round of laughter. 

"Fine," Keefe mumbled.

After a few minutes of laughing, Della came down, hearing all the commotion. 

"What is happening down he-" She looked at Keefe and couldn't help but smile. Alden was following her and let out a chuckle.

"I see someone was pranked," Alden said, looking at rainbow Keefe.

"Yup! It was awesome!" I told my dad. 

"Well, you better get cleaned up. We're having breakfast soon." Della told Keefe. Keefe went up to his room to take a shower and get changed.

"Should we tell him that the hair is permanent for another day?" Tam whispered to me.

"Nah, we should let him figure it out," I responded with a giggle.

After Keefe came back down, we all went to sit down at the dining table for breakfast. I noticed something was off. Hmmm, something was definitely missing.

"Oh! In the midst of our prank, we never went to look for Sophie and Fitz. They're still missing!"  I shouted.

A/N That's the end of this chapter! What did you guys think of the prank? I personally thought it was hilarious! Also, for any confusion, this is the morning of day 2. Yesterday was a Friday, meaning it's a Saturday today. Just thought I'd clarify. Anyways, leave comments on what dares Keefe should do. Don't be afraid to make them evil... Mwahahaha (lol, JK I love Keefe. But still, feel free to make them hilarious and embarrassing) Please vote if you like the story! Until next time!

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