Chapter 4: Makeover Time! (With Pictures)

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Narrater's P.O.V. (Biana)

Oh no oh no oh no. This is not looking good for us. We have to do embarrassing dares in front of the COUNCILLORS. And even worse, we only have 2 hours to prepare! 

"Okay, girls in my room, boys in Fitz's. Sophie will telepathically tell each of you guys what colors to wear. Got it?"

No one argued, knowing how Biana was at these types of things.

"Perfect! Sophie, Linh, Marella? Follow me!"

I have to get 4 girls ready in 2 hours. This was going to be a hard one, but if I move fast enough, it might just work. 

"Sophie first!"

"Noooooooo" groaned Sophie. "Do I have to?"

"Yes," I said glaring at her.


"Okay, I found this beautiful dress the other day in Atlantis. But it would look way better on you!" I squealed.

"It's in that closet so go change!"

Narrater's P.O.V. (All the girls)

After Sophie went into the closet, Biana realized this was the perfect time to discuss the next steps of their plan. As soon as her mom told her about this sleepover, she knew she had to turn it into a goal for getting her brother and Sophie together. They both liked each other, but they were sooooo oblivious sometimes.

"Linh, Marella! Come here!" I whisper-shouted.

"What?" They responded in the same manner.

"We need to discuss our next step in getting Sophie and Fitz together. Any ideas?"

"How about one of those human games?" Linh suggested.

"Oooh! That's perfect! We can play 7 minutes in heaven after dinner! Sophie taught it to me before, and apparently you go in a closet with another person for 7 minutes."

"Yeah! And while they're in there, we can discuss the next step with the others!" said Marella.

"Okay, good idea session girls! Now back to getting ready!"

Just then Sophie walked in. I was right, she looked stunning in that dress. Red was definitely her color. 

"Wow, Sophie," I said in amazement. "Now sit here for your makeup!"

Sophie trudged to one of my vanities and sat down. I got out all my supplies and started working faster than I ever had before. And in about ten minutes, I was finished. Then I gave her a hair curling elixir and did an intricate side braid. 

Time skip to after all 4 girls are ready

Sophie's Outfit:

Sophie's Outfit:

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