Chapter 15: How much does Tam hate Keefe?

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Tam's P.O.V.

"What are we going to do!" Biana shouted. 

"Calm down Biana, we were playing hide and seek, so they're probably still just hiding somewhere," I told her. Then I turned to Sophie. "So, Sophie, what's the plan?"

"Me? I don't have a plan," Sophie replied.

"Yeah, but you always have a plan," Dex agreed.

"Fine. I'll think of something," Sophie reluctantly said. After a minute, she finally had a plan. "Okay, the plan is, we split up into groups of two to search the big house. 1 group goes upstairs, 1 group goes downstairs, and 1 group searches outside."

"Wait, but outside was off-limits," Linh explained.

"Yeah, but... It's Keefe. There's a 50/50 chance he broke the rules," Sophie said shrugging. We all agreed that Keefe would try something like that.

"But what if this plan doesn't work? What's the next plan?" I asked.

"Umm, I guess we split off individually to cover even more territory. The buddy system is just a way so no one gets lost alone."

"And then what's plan c?" I asked.

"I don't know why we would need a plan c, but I guess the only other option is to group together to find Keefe and Marella. Multiple heads are better than one."

"Yeah, and what's the last option?" I asked. Sophie rolled her eyes at me.

"The last option is we all forget about Keefe and go make mallowmelt instead." Sophie said, probably sarcastically. But I didn't mind since she had still said it.

"Okay, I've made my decision," I announced. 

"Uhh, Tam? You're kinda not the one making the decision," Linh told me. I ignored her and continued.

"We go with plan d."

"Wait, what? Isn't that the one where we make mallowmelt and forget about Keefe?" Fitz asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"We're not actually going to do that, right Sophie?" Fitz asked. "RIGHT?" Sophie looked quite tempted to go eat some more mallowmelt.

"Umm..... No. We're going with plan c. We'll have more ideas if we stick together," Sophie finally decided after a long minute.

"Eh, it was worth a try," I said shrugging. 

"Okay, we should get going. Where are some places Keefe would hide?" Sophie thought out loud. "In order to find Keefe, we need to think like Keefe."

"That won't be a problem. The guy barely thinks..." I murmured under my breath. And the comment earned me an elbow in my sides from Linh. "Oww" I whisper shouted to Linh. 

"Stop being so negative. Think happy thoughts like rainbows, lollipops, and candy!"

"Yeah... No thanks" Linh rolled her eyes as I focused my attention back to the conversation.

"So do we all agree we should look in the pranking elixirs room?" Sophie was asking. Everyone but me nodded their heads in agreement. I on the other hand had some issues with this.

"Wait, there's a PRANKING ROOM?" 

"Yeah, Keefe made it a few years ago for his secret stash," Fitz explained.

"Let me get this straight," I started. "We've all been living in a house together with Keefe... AND A ROOM FULL OF PRANKING ELIXIRS?" 

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" Sophie asked.

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