Chapter 22: A Date?

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Sophie's P.O.V

I wanted to gaze into Fitz's crystal teal eyes forever but then turned red, remembering that we were still with our friends. Fitz must've noticed too because he turned red as a tomato and we finally broke eye contact.

Keefe smirked, "I was wondering when you guys would stop staring into each other's eyes." Which earned him a punch from Biana. "Oww," He complained. Biana rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to me. Oh no. Something bad was about to happen, I thought. And I was right.

"I think we should do our own things for the rest of the day until dinner. But before we do, it's makeover time!"

"Noooo," I groaned. 

"Yes!" She squealed back in response. Then she took my hand so I couldn't escape and shooed all the boys out of the room. Once they were out, she started looking at the dresses in the closet.

"What color do you want to wear?" She asked everyone. 

"I always wear pink, so might as well go with something new. How about yellow?" Marella suggested.

"I agree with Marella, I want to try something new! Since I always do dark blue, maybe a silver dress to go with my hair?" Linh asked.

"Great choices ladies!" Biana exclaimed. "Sophie? How about you?"

"Umm... I don't know. Teal?" I asked, hoping my cheeks weren't too pink. Biana smiled, "I have the perfect dress for you!" She went over to her closet and brought over a beautiful teal dress that was simple yet eye-catching. 

"It's simple and I love it!" I exclaimed.

"Could I maybe add just a tiny bit of sparkl-"

"Nope!" I quickly shouted before Biana could finish that sentence. "I like it simple." 

"Alright, fine. I also picked out these dresses for us!" Biana went back into the closet and returned a few seconds later with 3 dresses. A silver one for Linh, a yellow one for Marella, and a green one for herself. We all put it on and looked in the mirror. 

"I love our dresses!" Linh squealed. "They're all so cute and pretty!"

"Especially on us," Marella added. We burst into giggles and laughed until we had to stop so Biana could do our make up. 

"Since we're all wearing simpler dresses today, I'll go for a more natural look on you guys." 

She grabbed a bung of supplies and started working quickly. 40 minutes later, everyone was completely ready. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't believe how well Biana had done my make up. She had put on a simpler look on me that still brought out the best features of my face. It seemed more like the natural me and I loved it.

"As much as I hate the process of makeovers, the end result is always phenomenal!" I told Biana. "Thank you."

"No problem Sophie! I love giving people makeovers!" Biana replied. I smiled as she montioned her arms to tell us to come downstairs to meet up with the boys. 

"We are going to know them off their feet!" She exclaimed as we headed towards the staircase.

The Dresses!

Sophie's Dress

Sophie's Dress

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