Chapter 29: Biana And Tam's Date

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Biana's P.O.V.

Tam and I walked through the streets of Atlantis before stopping in front of an, especially big restaurant. It read 'La Fantasie' in big swirly letters, just above the entrance door. We walked in to see a huge inside, with many circular dining tables covered with a white tablecloth. It was obviously a couple's restaurant which made my heart beat faster. Maybe Tam thought we were like a couple! That would be really great... I thought. 

"Uh- Excuse me?" Tam asked a lady. 

"What is it?" She replied sharply. "We do not babysit for your parents. Now shoo! Go away!" I could tell Tam was getting frustrated with the lady's rudeness. She had just called us babies and Tam's parents were a sore subject.

"First of all, we are not babies. We're here for a reservation," Tam said calmly, although I could tell he was forcing his smile.

"Under which name?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"Tam Song and Biana Vacker." The lady's eyes seemed to widen at my last name.

"Of course, of course, please, right this way!" She told us in a completely different tone. "I will make sure a waiter is immediately here." Then she looked at us as if to say anything else?

Then Tam, being Tam, got a mischievous glint in his eyes as he nodded. "Yes, there is something else." 

"Anything," the lady replied.

"We want you to be our waiter."

"Me?" The lady asked, shock written all over her face. Tam nodded and I decided to help him out by nodding along with him. "B-but, I am a host! I do not-"

"Isn't it the least you could do for us?" I asked with a sweet smile. The lady's mouth hung wide open as she thought about what we had just asked.

"Alright, fine." Then she disappeared into a closet. She came out with a uniform that seemed far less regal and walked up to our table.

"How may I take your order tonight?" I tried to cover my laugh by muffling it with my hands but a tiny giggle slipped. I quickly hid it by trying to play it off as a cough but the lady did not seem impressed. 

"I will have the jinedonv jsideego," Tam told her unintelligibly. I smiled and decided to join him in teaching the mean lady.

"I will have the..." I said the rest so quietly so that no one could possibly hear it. The lady looked uncomfortable as she responded. 

"Sorry, but I didn't quite catch that?" She asked nervously. 

"I said that I would have the jieoqoif iwoanbp, and she will have the ojemwn apwomdk!" Tam mumbled. "Now, could you please tell the chef? We are very hungry." The lady stumbled away in panic, not knowing what to do. But she still walked into the kitchen. I couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed out loud. Tam joined me and we laughed so hard that everyone stared at us. But we stopped when I saw someone in a white uniform come marching towards us.

"I am very sorry about this misunderstanding. Our new waiter, he glanced angrily at the kitchen door window where the lady was probably watching through, does not seem to know how to properly take an order. So, what will it be tonight?" The chef asked. Tam told him our order very clearly and the chef ensured us that our meal would be cooked right away and that he apologizes for the lady's ignorance. After he left, I turned my head to face Tam.

"That was a great idea! We showed that lady how it feels when someone is being uncooperative with you." I told him.

"Exactly!" Tam agreed. "Maybe now she'll be more kind and willing to younger customers." I nodded and we continued to chat until our food was ready. 

"Here you go," A lady's voice said. I looked up and saw it was the same host lady. She placed our food down on the table and turned to walk away. But before she started walking, she turned to us and started talking again instead. "Look, I just wanted to say that I was sorry for how I treated you guys. I shouldn't have judged you based on your appearance. Or been so mean and uncooperating." She looked embarrassed and stared at her toes, not quite meeting our eyes. 

"It's alright," I finally said to break the silence. "Just as long as you never treat anyone that way again." She quickly nodded.

"I promise." Then she walked away.

"We changed someone's life today, Tam. And it feels fantastic!" I exclaimed.

"It really does," Tam agreed. Then we started eating the delicious food while talking in between bites. I felt like I could tell him everything and the conversation was always comfortable and buzzing with energy. 

After an amazing dinner, plus some dessert, we stood up and headed out towards the door. I saw that the lady was back into her host uniform and talking to yet another teenage couple, this time with a lot more respect. But before we headed out, I did catch something the lady said. "Welcome to La Fantasie! I am Kelli, your host, how may I help you today?"

I smiled, pleased with how much friendlier and kinder she sounded. And I would most definitely remember the name Kelli for a long time. The lady whose life was changed for the better by us. 

We strolled through Atlantis, taking in the beautiful view. I sighed happily in the peaceful silence, enjoying every moment of it. When we reached a bench, Tam and I sat down on it. 

"Tam, this was the most wonderful date ever! I loved spending every moment of it with you." 

"Well, it isn't over yet," He said secretively. Then he reached to the inside of his suit and took out what looked like a flat, rectangular box. He handed it to me and I brushed my fingertips over the velvety box with 3 diamond-encrusted at the top right corner and bottom left corner of the box. I placed it on my left hand and lifted the top with my right. As soon as my eye hit the necklace, I gasped, not knowing what to say. I gently lifted the necklace and admired it as it sparkled even brighter when held up to the light.

"It's perfect Tam! I absolutely love it!" Then I gave the necklace to him. "Would you mind?" I asked. 

"It would be my honor," He responded. I lifted up my hair so Tam could put the necklace on me. When he connected the clasp, I gazed into the silver-blue heart pendant. I would wear it every day to remind me of Tam. Then I looked into Tam's eyes. 

"Tam, I love you more than anyone could possibly imagine!" 

"And I love you so much that I couldn't even imagine spending my life without you." Then he leaned in and our lips met. I closed my eyes and poured every ounce of my love into this kiss. When we finally pulled away, I smiled, looking at the love of my life, feeling lighter and happier than I had ever felt in my life.

A/N Date number 2 is complete! I loved writing this chapter like all the other ones I have written. I hope you guys also liked the little message in it, I think it was an important one and it fit perfectly into the story. Comment down below what you think the next date, Dex and Linh's, will be! And please vote if you liked this story! Thank you again for reading my story and I shall now be off, writing the next chapter!

(And here's the necklace if you guys were wondering! :D)

(And here's the necklace if you guys were wondering! :D)

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