Chapter 28: Sophie And Fitz's Date

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Sophie's P.O.V.

"Fitz, it's- it's... Absolutely beautiful!" I noticed Fitz's sigh of relief and wondered why he was so stressed out. 

"Fitz, this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. But even if you put out 2 chairs so we could just talk, I still would've loved it. As long as it was with you." 

"I would do anything for you," Fitz told me. I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. His embrace made me feel protected, safe and loved. After we pulled apart, he led me to sit down on a blanket surrounded by pillows. 

"This really is the perfect location," I told Fitz. 

"I chose it because it was the first time we kissed and said I love you..." Fitz replied. My heart melted, thinking about that moment. 

"You just keep getting more and more thoughtful and sweet!" Fitz's cheeks turned slightly pink as he pulled out a basket from behind one of the pillows. 

"A picnic! I love it!" 

"Yes, but not an ordinary picnic..." Then Fitz proceeded to open the basket and pulled out a plate of... SPAGHETTI?

"Is that spaghetti?" I asked in confusion.


"How did you get that???" 

"I didn't get it, I cooked it." 

"You can cook?"

"A little" Fitz answered. "I bought a cookbook from the Forbidden Cities when I got the idea during a dream." I giggled, "You were dreaming about me?" Fitz definitely was blushing hard this time. "Uh-Um... I-I don't... Know?"

"I'm just messing with you!" Then I kissed him on the cheeks to pull him out of his embarrassment. He smiled back and pulled out another plate of spaghetti. Then, he pulled out a plate filled with human desserts!


"Yeah, and I have to say, these are really complicated to make. Especially the macarons." 

I smiled, "Macarons?" 

"Yep," He clarified. 

"Well, for your first time baking these, the presentation is fantastic. Macarons are one of the hardest desserts to make!" I complimented. "And my favorite dessert," I added. Fitz seemed to beam at that and handed me a macaron. I took a bite and was amazed. "WOW. These are like macarons but even better!" 

"I added a few secret Elvin ingredients..." Fitz said mysteriously. 

"Well, all I know is that I am going to be asking for a lot more of these!" 

"Anything for you," Fitz agreed. A smile filled my face as he handed me my plate of spaghetti. I tasted some of it and like the macaron, I was mind blown. 

"I can't believe how good of a cook you are! This food is amazing!" 

"Thank you! But if I'm being honest, I spent like two hours preparing everything."

"Considering the amount of food you made, plus the difficulty, I'd say you are definitely better than the average human chef. I mean, I don't even understand how you made chocolate mousse. I've never even tried that or attempted to make it, and I was living in the Forbidden Cities for 12 years!"

"That means a lot, Sophie. I couldn't have asked for a better date." You could definitely tell I was over the moon by that comment from the huge grin on my face. 

"Well, shall we start our dinner?" Fitz asked.

"Yes we shall!" I agreed, then took a big bite of the spaghetti. Then I remembered I was on a date with Fitz and my face turned red. 

"Why did you stop?" Fitz asked. "Do you not like it anymore?"

"Of course not! I love it! It's just... I'm not the best at... date manners? I mean I've never been on a date either so..."

"Don't worry about that! I think it's really cute how much you love food." I relaxed and went back to eating. 

After I finished Fitz's delicious home-cooked dinner, I moved closer to him and leaned my body on him as he pulled me in closer, wrapping his arm around me. I stayed there for a minute, enjoying the peaceful moment. Then I pointed my face up so I would be looking directly into his bright teal eyes. 

"Thank you for this date, Fitz. I really enjoyed it."

"Anything... For my love."

I smiled and tilted my head up so our lips could touch. It was a soft kiss, but full of romance and our love for each other. I was smiling, and blushing, by the time we drew apart. 

"I love you, Fitz."

"And I will always love you."

I closed my eyes at that and let out a happy sigh. We laid down and I snuggled up to him even closer as my eyes blinked a few times, staring at the night sky, before eventually closing. I laid there in the dark, my mind was solely fixated on the love of my life, as my mind slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N The date has happened! And I personally thought it was a wonderful one. However, the dates are definitely not over yet, because we still have THREE more couples! I can't wait to write about those dates. Anyway, thank you to all my supporters, followers, and readers. And I especially want to thank Hermione_Granger120 for her really nice comments on my recent chapters! But I do want to also thank anyone else who has also recently commented on any of my chapters or voted on them. So if you liked this date chapter, make sure to leave a comment or a vote letting me know! Now, I will be moving on to writing Tam and Biana's date!

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