Chapter 5: An Interesting, but Hilarious, Dinner

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A/N This is a formal dinner (Annual Vacker Dinner) so the talking will be slightly more formal than usual. Enjoy!

Narrater's P.O.V. (3rd Person)

As the group of teens all entered the dining room, they saw that the Councilors and the parents were already seated. The Councilors were seated at one side of the huge table, Alden and Della were at the head of the table, and the other 4 parents were seated at the opposite side of the married couple.

Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, Keefe, and Marella all looked nervously at each other and sat down on the opposite side of the Councillors. The order went from Biana, Tam, Fitz, Sophie, Linh, Dex, Keefe, and Marella. Except Tam sat down at his seat and Biana went ahead and sat down on his lap. All the adults in the room stopped chatting and looked at them quizzically, while all the teens in the room tried hard not to smile or laugh. After a minute or two of staring at them, they resumed their talk. Biana and Tam let out a sigh of relief but Alden and Della gave them a look saying we'll talk about this later. 

After the chat died down, Edaline conjured up the food and everyone started to grab plates and fill it up with delicious cuisines. Right as they were about to start eating, Linh said the most peculiar thing. 

"Sweetiepie? Would you be so kind as to hand me those umber leaves?"

"Of course," Dex said, his ears turning red.

This definitely go the grown-ups attention, and they looked at the two teens as if they were from another planet. 

"Oh! And sugar plum? Hand me that jug of lushberry juice please?" Linh asked sweetly.

"Definetly." Dex replied, handing her the jug.

Dex's parents looked the most confused at this conversation, but it quickly turned into a look saying awww our son has a girlfriend! Dex saw this and turned pink from the embarrassment. 

"Sorry to bother you again honeybunches, but could you give me that platter of mallowmelt cutie?" Linh asked again, still as sweetly.

The adult's faces seemed to say this was most definitely odd and slightly uncomfortable, but almost in a cute way. Once they recovered from the shock, which took a bit longer than when Biana sat on Tam, they continued their conversations. They all grabbed a spoon and was about to scoop in some of that delicious orange soup into their mouths. But then the spoons stopped mid-way. They turned to look at Keefe and Marella who were... feeding each other? Now that was the oddest thing that had happened so far. They both turned as red as they possibly could when they noticed everyone looking at them. But Keefe and Marella didn't stop. They continued feeding each other for the rest of the dinner. And every once in a while, the adults would look at them curiously but then return to their discussions. However, the last straw was when Sophie and Fitz stood up to do their dare. 

(Sophie is bold, Fitz is slanted)

Are you ready for this?

As ready as I'll ever be. But you have to be prepared to run away from Grady, okay?

Fitz's expression paled.

Okay, now I'm panicking. 

Calm down, we can tell them it was all a joke if Grady looks like he's about to murder you.

Thanks, but I still feel like I'm about to throw-up.

Fitz gulped then stood up.

"S-s-sorry for this interruption, but I have an announcement to make." Fitz started off, nervously

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