Chapter 12: Sophie... The Prank Master?

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Fitz's P.O.V.

After I had agreed to Sophie's genius idea of a reverse prank, we went into the kitchen to brainstorm ideas to get back at Keefe and Dex. After we sat down on the floor against a cabinet, Sophie started getting ideas.

"Hmm," Sophie wondered. "I think we should catch Dex off-guard by having you pretend you've actually loved Stina all along."

"Oooh! Good idea, but how would we do that?" I asked.

"You'll say something along the lines of really Stina? I've always loved you too!" Sophie explained. "Then I'll run away, pretending to cry. Dex will definitely feel horrible." 

"Okay, but I don't want to be there with Dex while he's pretending to be Stina. Especially if he actually tries to kiss me." Sophie laughed at the thought than provided a solution.

"How about, instead of you, we get Linh on this prank? I'm sure Keefe has an elixir for turning her into you, and instead of him kissing you, Linh will make the first move and kiss him!"

"Wow. If we do that, Dex will probably feel disgusted and horrible." I said. "It's perfect!"

"Yup! And to get Keefe, we'll get the rest of our friends to join in on the prank and say that I ran away because I couldn't bear to ever see your face again. He'll get super worried and probably feel super terrible."

"You know, you're really good at this pranking thing," I told Sophie.

"Just make sure not to get on my bad side," Sophie said, smiling mischievously. I smiled as I pulled her in for a kiss.


Linh's P.O.V.

When Keefe finally untied us, I was the first one to rush out of the room. I had missed breakfast and dinner last night and was starving. I raced to the kitchen to find Sophie and Fitz on the floor in some sort of a hugging slash kissing position.

"Uhh, guys?" They pulled apart and their faces lit up when they saw me. 

"Linh!" Sophie exclaimed. "Just the person I wanted to see."

Dex's P.O.V.

It had been about an hour since I agreed to Keefe's ridiculous dare and decided it was better to do it sooner than later. I drank the elixir I had just brewed up and looked at myself in the mirror. The Stina looking back at me looked so realistic that it made me want to prank myself. A/N Wow, how would that work? I walked out the door and down the hallway. I was hoping I wouldn't run into Fitz and Sophie yet because I hadn't thought of what to say. But to my luck, I ran into them right away.

"Stina?" Sophie asked. I had been practicing my mimicking so I voiced Stina's voice perfectly.

"Hey Sophie." I said, casually. "Hey Fitz," I said next, but in a more flirty way. Yuck. I was flirting with wonderboy. 

"So, why are you here?" Sophie asked me.

"Oh, I just needed to tell Fitz something." I turned to Fitz, took a deep breath and admitted my "love" for him. "Fitz, I've loved you since the day I met you and I want to be your girlfriend instead of this freak." I felt bad as soon as the words came out of my mouth. I wanted to run away, but decided to wait, knowing that at any moment, Fitz would turn me down and ask me to leave.

"Really Stina?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Well, this worked out perfectly! I love you too! I never loved Sophie," he admitted. I was shocked and appalled. I wanted to punch the dude for treating Sophie so horribly. I saw Sophie running away, crying, out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to comfort her, but I realized I was going to be Stina for at least another hour. Plus, I never got a chance to explain because Fitz pulled me in kissed me. EEEEEEEEW. I WAS KISSING WONDERBOY. I pushed him away and started to wipe of my mouth. 

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