Chapter 26: Harry Potter Marathon!

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Keefe's P.O.V.

We just finished our 5th movie and I was starting to get a little tired. It was probably around 4:30 in the morning since we started at 4 and each movie was about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Hey! I was doing math! I thought. I guess that math class paid off. I looked over at Marella and started thinking about our date. It was going to be really special because Marella was really special to me. Something that we would both like and enjoy. Something that she would never forget. Something... That might get us in a little bit of trouble.

Fitz's P.O.V.

As the 6th movie was starting, I looked over at Sophie and saw that she was still wide awake. I didn't know how she did it because I was basically already asleep! I shook my head to keep awake and decided to think about our date. I had already planned the date and it was definitely going to be one that she would remember. But I had to still execute it and I didn't know if Sophie would even like it. Wow, planning dates were really complicated. But it would all be worth it if Sophie had a great time.

Dex's P.O.V.

I smiled, happy that my technology was working so smoothly. But I was even happier that Linh was so close to me, leaning on my shoulders as she slept. I had moved my arm around her to make her more comfortable, but every so often, I would feel like someone was glaring daggers at the back of my head. A/N Who could that be? But I brushed the feeling away, thinking about Linh instead. Her eyes. Her smile. Her hair. Everything about her that made her so wonderful. I just had to make sure that our date was perfect! I had already decided on the location, but I had to set the rest up. Maybe a picnic? Or dinner? Argh, why was this so hard! All I wanted was to make sure that Linh would have the best time ever...

Tam's P.O.V.

*Dreaming about Biana* 

"Tam! Wake up! It's getting really interesting!!! HARRY AND GINNY KISSED!" Biana whisper-shouted. I groaned and opened my eyes. 

"Biana, not everyone can stay up for 24 hours straight!"

"But you have to watch this! Didn't you hear me? THEY KISSED!" 

"Don't worry, I heard you loud and clear the first time." 

"Yeah, well, you still missed it!" She told me. "DEX! Can you rewind a little?" Dex nodded and reminded a minute. It was right before they kissed. And then they did. 

"Okay, I saw it. Can I go back to sleep?" I pleaded.

"Nope!" Biana answered. Then she gave me a kiss, which did make me a little more energized. I smiled and decided maybe I would stay up for a little longer if it meant making Biana happy.

Sophie's P.O.V.

It was the end of the 7th movie and I had to watch the last! Then it started and I sighed in relief. I was really enjoying this. It was nice experiencing my childhood again. Especially with Fitz and my friends by my side. Even if everyone except Biana, Dex, and Tam were asleep. I glanced at Fitz and saw that he was sleeping. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Somehow, he smiled back at me in his sleep. Then he opened his eyes to reveal my favorite color. I giggled, "Were you awake this whole time?" 

"No, but I was as soon as you kissed me." I tilted my head up a little more and kissed him again, but on the lips. We were both smiling and I felt like I was going to explode with happiness. Fitz and I had come a long way. It started out as just a crush but now I knew that we both loved each other. It was the best feeling in the world to love someone and have someone love you back. We slowly pulled apart and just sat there, gazing into each other's eyes. And I didn't mind one bit that I was missing the movie.

Biana's P.O.V.

EEEEEK! THE MOVIE MARATHON WAS FINISHED! It was about 12 in the afternoon and everyone, except Sophie, looked hungry and miserable. But I felt so energized! Maybe it was all the candy I ate... I couldn't believe I had stayed up for 20 hours straight! And I...

6 hours later...

My eyes opened to face the harsh sunlight. Why was the curtain open? I always remember to close it when I go to sleep... I decided to forget about it and started drifting off again. Then my eyes opened wide and I bolted up. I looked around and sure enough, I was in the movie room. 

"GUYS! OUR DATES!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

A/N Hehe, cliffhanger! What will happen next? Anyways, thank you for almost 2,000 VIEWS! I can't believe it! Also, thank you to all my new followers for following me @SophieRose72. It really makes me want to continue writing! And as for my next book, I asked you guys on my profile whether to do another Sophitz or a Sokeefe and so far, it's Sokeefe! I hope the majority of my readers are okay with that! And comment on my profile any other ships you would like to see. Thanks for reading this chapter! Bye!

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