Chapter 14: Sophie's Secret Weapon

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Biana's P.O.V.

Tam telling me that he loved me was quite possibly the best moment of my life. It was like my dream come true! But I released him from my hug because it looked like I was squeezing the life out of him. But as soon as he did, he grabbed me and threw me on the bed.

"Tam!" I squealed.

"What?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes and then pulled him on top of me to get revenge. But then I noticed that he was literally on top of me and my cheeks turned slightly pink. I really wanted to kiss him, badly. Then, I decided to make the first move, because why not? I tilted my face up so my lips were merely inches away from his. Then I closed the gap, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. And it was most definitely the best kiss yet, now that we both knew that we loved each other.

After a long and passionate kiss, I rolled over so my head was on his shoulders and his arm was wrapped around me. I really loved this moment and never wanted it to end. Just me and my true love, Tam. But then I remembered that we were playing hide and seek. Dang, it. 

"Tam? We probably need to go find the rest of our friends."

"Do we have to?" Tam asked, looking very disappointed.

"Sorry, but yeah. Don't worry though, we'll finish this tonight," I told him with a wink. Tam smiled at that and got up. 


"Well then, off to finding Sophie and Fitz!"

"Wait, but why them specifically?"

"Because Tam, this whole sleepover was to get those two oblivious kids together!" 

"Oh yeah, have we done a good job?" Tam asked.

"I honestly don't know. I haven't seen them even hold hands or kiss!" A/N I think none of the KOTLC squad has seen Sophie and Fitz showing any signs that they were together.

"That's why we need to find them. I saw them head off into a guest bedroom and I just know that something is happening!" I squealed. Then I took Tam's hand and ran off to the guest bedroom. 

I crept into the room silently, vanishing myself, and Tam. I looked around the room but didn't see any sign that someone was here. I sighed, my hopes of Sophitz ruined. But then I heard a small thump coming from the closet. Of course! That was the closet where they went in for 7 minutes in heaven. I smiled and walked over to the closet, pulling Tam along with me. I placed my hand on the doorknob, turning it silently. And then I pushed the door open as fast as I could so they wouldn't have any time to think of an excuse or deny everything. 

"Aha!" I shouted as I jumped in front of them. I saw that Fitz was kissing Sophie. FINALLY! I thought.  

"Ugh, I wish we hadn't just seen that," Tam said, sounding a tad bit disgusted. 

"Oh, stop it. I think it's cute!" They saw me and Tam and quickly jumped apart, blushing like crazy.


"Wait, Sophitz?" Sophie asked.

"A plan?" Fitz asked next. I quickly changed the topic before they could figure out what it meant.

"Anyways, let's go find Linh and Dex!" 

"They better not be together..." Tam mumbled. I grabbed his hand so he would lighten up a bit. 

"Let's go!" I had a feeling I knew where they were hiding.

Sophie's P.O.V.

We followed Biana since she claimed that she knew where they were hiding. I still felt embarrassed that Biana had walked in on me and Fitz. And what was the deal with this Plan Sophitz? I was lost in my own thoughts and didn't notice that we had come to a stop. Luckily, Fitz grabbed my waist to stop me from running into a door and I smiled gratefully at him. He returned my smile with his movie-star smile that made me practically melt right there on the spot. I stared into his beautiful teal eyes some more before Biana finally shook me out of it.

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