Chapter 19: Elves at Olive Garden

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Linh's P.O.V.

Eeeeeeeek! I WAS GETTING A CAT! I have been waiting for this moment my entire life! Well, once I figured out cats exist. I was so excited! But that was before my brother had interrupted my dreams of getting a cat.

"I'm not trying to stall or anything, but it's like one o'clock and I'm starving." My brother told us, probably implying that he wanted lunch. But, oh well! We were getting a cat!

"Okay, good to know! Let's go now!" I exclaimed and rushed everyone to walk faster.

"I'm just saying, we should eat first! Do you want me to be cranky while we shop for our pet?" He asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Why! Why couldn't you have just eaten at the festival!" I shouted. I normally never shouted at my twin, but I was about to get a cat before Tam had ruined my plans of petting soft fur at this exact moment. 

"Woah! I'm sensing some serious anger wavering off of Linh towards bangs boy. Personally, I don't blame you. It's really hard not to be mad at bangs boy," Keefe said. 

"Hey! I'm just hungry!" Tam complained.

"Ugh, fine!" I gave in. "But we are getting a cat right after lunch!" I announced. "Where is someplace we can go for lunch?" I asked Sophie. 

"Well, there are really cheap, fast-food restaurants, and then there are restaurants that aren't too expensive, but pretty nice for families, and then there are those restaurants that are a ridiculous amount of money for a small portion of food," Sophie explained.

"Huh, maybe not the last option," Fitz suggested.

"Yeah, I agree," Tam said. "I want lots of food, not tiny amounts."

 "Okay then, what're some choices for the 1st and 2nd types of restraunts?" I asked. 

"Hmm, well, we could go to somewhere like Chipotle, McDonald's, Olive Garden..." She listed. "Wait, nevermind. We can't eat at McDonald's. It's not really vegetarian."

"Guys, the choice is obvious! We HAVE to go to the Garden full of Olives. How awesome would that be?" Keefe exclaimed. 

"Well, it's not exactly what you're thinking... But we can go there since I think they have some vegetarian options," Sophie decided. "Dex? Could you get some more money for us?"

"Sure!" Dex answered. Then he went over to a big blocky machine, punched some numbers in, and returned with a huge stack of cash.

"DEX! How much money did you get?" Sophie asked.

"Well, I figured that if we get 5 million lusters at birth for our entire life and I luster is about a million, 100,000 in human money seemed like an okay amount." Dex explained.

"Wrong! That is not reasonable for lunch at Olive Gardens. A 100,000 dollars in human currency is like worth a small house!" Sophie sighed. "Just make sure to hide that so we don't get robbed or something."

"What's robbed?" I asked. 

"Nevermind, let me just hail an uber."

"You need my imparter?" Biana asked. 

"Who's uber? A friend of yours? If so, can I have his number? Seems like a cool name for a cool guy!" Keefe exclaimed. Sophie rubbed her temples.

"No, it's an app. Called uber." She started, looking specifically at Keefe when she explained the uber meaning. "We call someone and they come with a car to drive us to where we want to go."

"W-we're g-g-getting into a c-c-CAR?" Biana asked, looking terrified.

"Not to mention it's with a STRANGER," Dex added. Biana looked about ready to faint at that and Sophie shot Dex a glare that said not helping.

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