Chapter 11: A Close Call

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Sophie's P.O.V.

When I saw my friends drugged like that, all of my memories came flooding back. The sweet, sickening smell of the sedative. Pain everywhere in my body. Knowing Dex had endured burns, just for me. It felt like I couldn't breathe and I was relieved when Fitz noticed and took me outside for a refreshing walk. We walked in silence for a while before I finally felt better.

"Thank you," I told Fitz.

"It's okay. I always want to be there for you."

"Yeah, but I can't ever forget these memories. They'll always come back to haunt me. Do you really want to be with someone who can't control their emotions? Who will wake up in the middle of the night, just because of some silly nightmare?" I started to tear up, realizing that Fitz may not want to have to deal with me for the rest of his life. 

"Look at me, Sophie." I stopped walking and stared into his sparkling teal eyes. 

"I don't care if I never sleep a wink again or if I can't ever leave your side. I only care about you. I love you, and you're the only person I will ever love." By now, tears were streaming down my face. No one had ever said anything that nice to me before. I hugged him tightly, grateful that I had someone in my life who cared so much about me. 

"And your the only person I will ever love." Then we sat down against a tree, holding each other, never wanting to let go. I soon fell asleep, filled with happiness and joy. 

Fitz's P.O.V.

It had been about 30 minutes since Sophie fell asleep. I looked at her beautiful face, never wanting to part with it. She was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Then I quickly pushed that thought away, not wanting to put so much pressure on Sophie. We were still basically kids! I hadn't even taken her out on a real date or asked her to be my girlfriend. And matchmaking was a whole other story. I decided to just enjoy the moment I was in. After about another 10 minutes, Sophie started shivering. 

"Sophie?" I whispered. "You're freezing. We need to go inside." She opened her eyes slowly and began to stand up. And quickly started to fall. Luckily I caught her before she hit the ground.

"Sophie? Are you okay?" She didn't respond so I started to get a little worried. I lifted her up and carried her back to the house. 

"Mom? Dad?" I called out. I looked down to see that Sophie's lips had turned blue and her face was becoming an alarming color of white. 

"Mom!" I shouted, a bit more urgently. After what seemed like forever, my mom found us. She took one look at Sophie and began to pace around room. I knew this was bad because my mom only paced when she was extremely worried. 

"Fitz, go call Elwin." 

"Okay," then I rushed to grab my imparter. I hailed Elwin, explained the problem, and he told me he would get here in a few minutes. I ran back to Sophie, and saw that Elwin was actually already here. 

"Is Sophie alright?" I asked, worried she was going to die. 

"Yes, she'll be fine. It's quite odd, but it seems like she got a strong case of the flu. The coldness certainly didn't help, and it became too strong for her body to handle and she was knocked out." Elwin explained.

"But I thought elves were immune to human sicknesses," I questioned.

"We are, but Sophie's genetics from being inside a human must've weakened her immune system. But don't worry, I have an elixir to make sure nothing like this ever happens again." Elwin assured me. A/N I'm not sure if that's actually how it works, but lets say it is lol 

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