25: Seeking Allies

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"You still haven't answered my question, Han Ri. How do you know my name?" Momo asked.

"Uh well....I...I..."

"Spill it out, girl, I don't bite, unless you want me to." Momo smirked, causing the young girl to gulp nervously.

"I have been paying attention on you for years.." she confessed, hanging her head low. Hearing such statement from the girl, Momo laughed until she snorted, tears almost escaping her eyes from the wheezing she had. She then shook her head and wiped the tears off her eyes.

"That's just the same as spying, dummy."

"I-I'm not spying on you, I swear! N...not you specifically...." Han Ri bit her lower lip.

"Oh? Who then?" the older girl furrowed her eyebrows.


"M? M who?"

"Mi Na....." Han Ri blushed madly and hid her face, totally embarrassed at her own answer and mentally slapping herself for it. Hearing that, Momo widened her eyes in total surprise.

"M-My sister?? Why Mi Na specifically? You have a thing with her? You like her, is it?" Momo stepped closer to Han Ri, almost intimidating the young girl. "Don't be shy, I keep secrets." she winked innocently.

"The secrets are not worth keeping anymore..." Han Ri sighed, earning Momo's further attention. The older girl tilted her head in confusion and furrowed her eyebrows, awaiting her further answers. "Mi Na is....Mi Na is in love with someone else, she's with a man, the captain's son." her lips trembled with every single word pronounced right out of her very lips. It's like every single thing she said was like one verbal sin she had committed one by one. Sins she had wished to mask but found out that she couldn't. Her chest was heavy, crying for air. Upon hearing that, Momo clearly understood what Han Ri meant, who Han Ri meant.

"So Cha Han Sou it is...." Momo slowly nodded, looking elsewhere at the ground and then at the sky, letting out a small breath. "But still, my sister doesn't know that you have feelings for her, so I am sure you're not blaming her for it, right?" she chuckled and received a slow nod as an answer. "Cheer up, Han Ri, if they're not together, then I totally support you both." she tried to brighten up the mood.

"You know she won't hesitate to execute me once she finds out I'm The Lord's daughter, don't you?" Han Ri expressed her fear.

"Of course I know, but blood cannot be denied. What has become family stays family, you cannot undo it, girl. It's not your fault, though." Momo smiled, rubbing Han Ri's back in an attempt to calm her down. "Can you do me a favor, please?"

"Hm?" Han Ri turned to look at her.

"I'm looking for my sisters, but I couldn't think of a better alternative path. Do you know how to reach Hwangmo?" she requested. Han Ri knew that helping her would mean great danger, both to herself and to Momo, as she was considered an obstacle by Mal Gu himself. But still, she could see the desperation in the older girl's eyes. Such desperation showed how much she truly cared about her sisters more than anything else. Those feelings reflected in Momo's eyes reminded her of Jeong Yeon's immeasurable love for her as a sister, and it hurt Han Ri, she now regretted yelling at her and pushing her away, but their different beliefs had to get in the way. Han Ri then sighed deeply and slowly nodded.

"Alright, I'll help you." she smiled. "But first, we'll have to leave this place as soon as possible?"

"Why? Oh, I almost forgot, who were you talking to just now?"

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