I'm a survivor

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Making mistakes is a part of being a survivor, we are all survivors in a way or another. I survived to live this day, bad things happened then you start thinking how broken you are.. too many pieces then you just realized that you are picking the pieces slowly and the more you pick you're building a mirror that reflects who you are. The more pieces you put together the more you can see yourself. We are all survivors, if you think sexual assault, depression, suicide, body shaming, or self-harm don't affect your life, you're totally wrong. There are many survivors here in this place you are in now while reading this in metro, bus, school, street even if you're in your house. There are survivors all around the whole world, people you may care about but you can't see because they hide their struggle behind their fake smiles and the fact that they are suffering in silence. It's time to start picking up the pieces if you want to be a survivor or you know someone to help him/her to survive. I'm here to let every one of you know that I'm always here to listen to your story, your survival story. My name is Asala and I'm a survivor.

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