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What does belonging mean?
Does it mean that we should have someone to watch our backs? To be in a good relationship? To have a family? To have a home? I think belonging means when you are with anyone or a group beside you are accepted and loved with who you are, belonging means like the feeling of home. We all need to belong to a certain group, or a family, friends. Every one of us wants to feel that he/she belongs to a part of this feel that you are accepted for who you are..belonging is a need for all the's like we want to feel that we are needed that we can have people to rely on.. when we belong to someone.. we feel that we aren't useless.. we can make an effect..we search for lasting relationships with others.. to feel safe and happy.. what do you think when you heard the word belonging?
Home, connection, relationships?
Belonging is when one starts to search for stable lasting relationships with other people who rely on, who accept her/him as the way they are...
if one day my loved people left.. when I fall who will catch me?

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