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THE FOLLOWING WEEK, Elara was late to class

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THE FOLLOWING WEEK, Elara was late to class.

It wasn't like she'd overslept. In fact, she'd barely been able to get any sleep the whole week and had ended up dragging herself out of bed at four in the morning out of pure frustration today.

"Where were you? You weren't in bed when we got up," hissed Indigo as Elara slipped into the seat next to her, ducking her head to avoid being seen by Professor Flitwick.

"I couldn't sleep," Elara mumbled, opening up her book. "I went to watch the sunrise."

"Home sick?" Indigo asked, softly, jotting down something Professor Flitwick had just said.

"I guess." Elara forced herself to tune out the thoughts that had been plaguing her since her conversation with Professor Snape yesterday evening. She had to focus on her classes. She'd deal with Malfoy later.

"Right! Now that we know the basics, let's start working on the Aqua Eructo charm!"

Just as the words left Professor Flitwick's lips, a sudden jet of water came blasting out of a nearby Gryffindor's wand, dousing the tiny professor from head to toe.

"Professor! I'm so - I didn't mean to - It just happened -" stuttered the alarmed Gryffindor, turning tomato red as the class burst into laughter.

Even Elara couldn't help the smile on her face as she watched the Charms professor blink twice in surprise before casting a drying charm on himself. "Right - well- let's try to avoid such mishaps -"

As if on cue, another burst of water flew across the room and hit him square in the chest. The class erupted once more as Josie Hill scurried over to the professor, close to tears. "I'm so sorry, Professor! I didn't mean to! I just said 'Aqua Eruc-"

"Don't!" yelled Professor Flitwick and Josie's lips clamped shut as the class giggled behind her.

"I don't want to be too presumptuous," drawled Stuart from the desk behind Elara and Indigo. "But I feel like we might get wet."

The next class was Defence Against the Dark Arts and Elara could feel the dread twist in her stomach as she and her friends trekked to the dungeon classroom. Not only was Snape the Professor this year but they also shared this class with Slytherin.

Snape and Malfoy. Just her luck.

"I'm not sure I cast the proper drying charm," Tracy said, wringing out her still damp hair. "My clothes are dry but my hair is still dripping."

"It's probably incomplete," Elara replied, "Stuart gave you a start while you were doing it, didn't he?" With a quick twirl of her wand, she dried Tracy's hair. "There."

"Thanks, El," her best friend replied, cheerfully, linking one arm through Elara's and the other through Indigo's. "Did you see Olivia this morning? I think Troy broke up with her."

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