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THE UNIVERSE was conspiring against Elara

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THE UNIVERSE was conspiring against Elara.

She was sure of it. There was no other explanation for the fact that Draco Malfoy and her were stuck in detention - together.

"Are you kidding me?" Elara groaned as soon as he stepped through the door, ducking slightly to clear his head of the doorway. "Out of everyone, you're the person I get stuck with?"

Draco raised his eyebrows. "I'm not happy about this either but I'd expect some respect from the girl I'm saving. You know, from her family disowning her and everything."

Elara's cheeks flushed. "Yes. That respect goes only as far as our sessions. No more, no less."

Draco lifted a shoulder, coolly. "I guess I'll have to stop -"

"Mr. Malfoy. Miss Jacobs." Professor McGonagall's voice cut through their conversation as she stepped into the small, dingy room. "Good. You're both here. I want every trophy in this room scrubbed to perfection, understood?"

Elara gaped. "But, Professor, there's got to be at least a hundred -"

"You should've thought about that before you arrived half an hour late to my class, Miss Jacobs," said the professor, sending her a pointed look. "And Mr. Malfoy before he forgot to turn in his homework."

She held out her hand, sternly. "Wands, please."

Reluctantly, Elara gave her the wand, mourning over the hours she would waste here.

"Your wand, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco clenched his jaw and for a moment, Elara thought he wouldn't hand it over.

But then he did - albeit not very happily.

"Thank you. You're not to leave this room until every trophy is done. I've put wards over the door so don't even try to leave until you're done."

Professor McGonogall fixed them with her intimidating gaze once more before striding from the room, letting the door click shut behind her.

There was a beat of silence between the two sixth years.

"You didn't do your homework?" Elara inquired, unable to help the smile tugging at her pink lips. Her eyes followed Draco as he snatched up a cloth from nearby.

"Find it funny, do you?" he sneered, glaring at her.

"I mean -" Elara shrugged, picking up a trophy. Triwizard Winner: Harry Potter. She dragged her thumb over the engraved letters. "I thought you were a bit more...bad boy chic."

Draco looked at her, disdainfully. "What in Merlin are you on about?"

"You know," she went on, handing him Harry's trophy just to annoy him. "I thought you'd have a bit more guts and do something really bad to earn detention. That's all."

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