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Elara and Harry had decided not to colour coordinate - since Harry didn't have many options to choose from.

"You'll look handsome whatever you wear," Elara had told him, timing her words just as they passed behind Draco and Nott at the Slytherin table at breakfast.

She had caught the subtle movement of Draco's hand tightening around his fork.

But now, she had to deal with the nerve-wracking, impossible task that one must go through when one attends a Ball.

Picking what to wear.

She'd been thinking about it all morning - red dress, black dress, pink dress?

And it didn't help that her friends were just as confused.

"I think I'll wear purple," Tracy was saying as they left Herbology "Do you think that'll make my hair look funny?" She fluffed her auburn locks.

"I say wear black," Cho told her as they trudged away from the greenhouse. "I think I'll wear midnight blue. My Nan got me it -"

"Then I guess I'm wearing midnight blue too," Stuart said as he caught up with them. He avoided Elara, carefully, instead squeezing in between Cho and Tracy. "Gotta match with my favourite girl."

Elara's eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Cho and Stuart?

She glanced at Tracy to gauge her reaction but her friend seemed unbothered and not surprised at all.

She'd probably known. It seemed only Elara had been left out of the loop.

Technically, she had done this to herself.

"What are you going to wear, El?" Tracy asked, peering at her.

"I don't know," Elara answered, kicking a pebble and watching it skid. "I really have no idea."


The group stopped and turned to find Pansy Parkinson, clambering up after them, her long sleek hair swinging behind her in a ponytail.

"Go on," Elara said to her friends - and Stuart. "She probably has a question about Herbology."

Her friends nodded and went on their way, still murmuring about what they'd be wearing.

"Hey, Pansy," Elara greeted as the Slytherin girl stopped beside her, panting slightly from sprinting after her. "What's up? Did I leave something in the greenhouse?"

"No - no, nothing," Pansy answered, hefting her bag more securely over her shoulder. She was so pretty Elara almost sighed.

If Draco didn't date her, maybe Elara would.

But then again, Draco was probably dating her - as far as Elara could tell from his frequent actions of pushing Pansy's hair out of her face, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, placing one large hand on the small of her back to guide her out of the classroom.

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