𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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Elara raised her head from where it had been resting in the crook of Draco's neck, her heart still racing from his words earlier.

He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

"The night you got me out of detention?" she inquired as she traced her fingers over the dragon ring on his finger. He was radiating heat into her and she adored it, delving further into him from where she was lying on the sofa, wedged between the back of it and him.

His arm tightened around her, his hands drifting up and down her back, comforting and safe. "No. When I told you about the Vanishing Cabinet."

Elara nodded, remembering the chilly, moonlit night when he'd asked her if she wanted to get out of Hogwarts. "Mmm. I do."

He was silent for a minute longer and Elara buried her face in his neck again, inhaling the scent of mint and green apples - her favourite.

She felt his lips graze her forehead and her heart swelled. She was never going to let him go.

"Let's get out of here," he murmured, squeezing her tight and she glanced up at him, catching his silver eyes. There was an emotion in him she couldn't place - something like regret.

"Now?" she asked, incredulously. "It's your birthday."

"So?" he answered, softly, combing his fingers through her hair, gently undoing the tangles.

Elara shifted, slightly, so she could look at him better. "I was planning on some birthday sex," she said, cheekily, raising her eyebrows at him

Draco hummed, his eyes darkening. "Oh?" He caught her chin in his large hand, dropped his mouth to hers and she smiled against his lips, letting him roll over her so he was on top of her.

Elara immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer so she could roll her hips against his, already feeling the familiar hunger kindle in her core.

He pulled back, slightly, left a kiss on her cheekbone. "I'd love to end the night like that," he said, softly, looking at her like she was everything he'd ever wanted. It made her tremble. "But I really want to leave here with you first."

Elara stared up at him as he caressed her cheek, loving how gentle he was tonight. She'd never seen him so soft and subdued - as if he was savouring every single moment he got with her.

"It's your birthday," she told him with a smile, reaching up to trace his lips with her thumb. "We can do whatever you want."

"I'll definitely be doing you tonight," Draco replied with a sly smirk and her heartbeat picked up when he kissed her again, long and hard. "Come on."

"Are you sure it works?" Elara asked as he slid off her and got to his feet, stretching his arms above his head, his shirt riding up to expose creamy skin and Elara shivered.

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