𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Elara turned from where she was browsing the aisle for an Astronomy book that could help her with drawing constellations and blinked when she saw Amelia waving, vigorously, at her from a table at the end of the empty aisle, next to the huge arched window of stained glass.

Her heart thudded when she spotted a familiar, white-blond head opposite her little sister, his back to Elara.


He hadn't accepted the money from her that day and she knew he certainly wouldn't accept it now but she still made a mental note to try and slip it into his room without him knowing.

She clutched the book to her chest and slowly walked over to their table, keeping herself in check.

Draco had been distant the past one week - the day of the Quidditch match had been the last time Elara had been in his room - but she didn't blame him, knowing that they were both swamped with work as the exams dragged on.

She'd snogged him a few times in dark alcoves and in empty classrooms but they'd both been too tired to ever have sex, the weight of their exams resting heavily on both their shoulders.

He was quieter too, talked less, flirted less, no longer met her eyes for long before he looked away, even though he'd give her a small smile every now and then. It was the only thing, along with the ferocity that he kissed her back with whenever they were alone, that showed that he still wanted her.

Usually, she would've asked him if he was alright, would've tried to extract information from him - but ever since he had opened up about his mother, she'd been cautious about pressing him to for more. She knew he was still healing.

So she let him kiss her for a few minutes and press her against doors but he never asked her to come to his room - they both simply had no time.

But she was hopeful that when summer came, maybe they'd be able to meet somewhere - Diagon Alley perhaps - and make up for all the time they were spending apart now. She almost trembled at the thought of spending the summer with Draco. If she did well in her exams, her parents would let her call him over and they could have dinners together and they'd go on long, midnight walks and have picnics in the warm afternoons and then fall into bed together -

"I thought I told you to ask me." Elara gave Amelia a stern look, avoiding Draco's gaze and her sister pouted, putting her quill down.

"You were busy," Amelia protested, her dark hair wild and frizzy around her face. "I didn't want to bother you."

"He's taking more subjects than I am," Elara told her, scolding her gently as she tipped her head towards Draco who was slumped in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest.

"She's lying," he offered, unhelpfully, looking at Amelia.

"I am not!" Elara shot back, giving him a glare. "He is."

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