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Tracy squealed, clapping loudly from beside Elara as they stood in the stands, watching the Quidditch match.

"He's doing brilliantly," Stuart commented, squinting to see as Ginny tucked the Quaffle under her arm and went zipping for the opposite end of the pitch. "Oh, blimey, look at her go."

Elara was barely paying attention, instead looking for the Slytherin seeker. Her heart ached when she caught sight of him, high above the pitch, weaving around a Bludger and dipping as Fred sent another at his head.

She had barely seen him all week - the exams had ended two days ago and he'd still made no move to find her or talk to her. He barely even glanced at her, the small smiles and snogging sessions reduced to no eye contact and not one conversation.

Elara supposed it was because summer was drawing closer - he was probably dreading returning to Malfoy Manor. But it still stung that he didn't want to talk to her or see her. She couldn't help wondering if he'd grown tired of her.

"Looks like this final is going to come to an end soon: Malfoy's caught sight of the Snitch!"

The crowd around Elara groaned, most of them Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, and Freya turned from below them to grin at her sister. "George's after him!" she yelled over the noise. "He won't let Slytherin win."

If Draco Malfoy was on the team, nothing would stop Slytherin from winning.

Draco curved through the air, white-blond hair flashing under the summer sun, his hand outstretched for the Snitch. Elara couldn't stop the smile already forming on her face.

He'd be happy they won.

But all of a sudden, Harry was colliding shoulder to shoulder, with Draco, slamming him out of the way and she saw Draco's hand curl into a fist, dropping back into his broom, the space in front of him where the Snitch had been suddenly empty.

"No - fucking - way!" Stuart gasped. "Harry's got it!"

The Gryffindor crowd was on their feet, roaring and stamping, causing the stands to quake. Elara's eardrums nearly burst.

"That's so unfair!"

Elara turned to see Pansy and Millicent behind them, Millicent pouting while Pansy clapped along, seemingly happy her own team had lost.

"Draco was in the lead the entire match," Millicent was complaining, her arms folded over her chest. "And Potter just comes in last second and grabs it!"

"What are you complaining for?" Pansy said, gleefully, noticing Elara looking and giving her a grin. "This'll take Draco down a much-needed peg or two."

Elara shook her head at her friend, hiding a smile and turned back to the pitch. The teams were touching ground, jumped off their brooms, and Elara watched as Draco slid off his and stormed towards the Changing Rooms.

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