𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Tracy leaned over to whisper to Elara as they sat in the Great Hall, watching the new first years be sorted.

Amelia was in the middle of the line, swallowed up in her oversized robes, fidgeting from foot to foot. Every once in a while, she'd glance over at Elara who would send her a reassuring smile.

"No," Elara said with a soft smile as she looked at Tracy. "She wants to be but I know her. There's only one house perfect for her."

Indigo groaned. "Oh, don't tell me it's going to be -"

"Hufflepuff!" Another first year scrambled down from the stool, flushing red as the Hufflepuff table erupted into claps.

"One more for Freya," said Elara, dryly. "Is it just me or are there more Hufflepuffs than usual this year? Even in the first term - "


"Yikes," muttered Indigo under her breath and Elara shot her a look. "What? Not all Slytherins but -"

"Amelia's next!" Tracy said, excitedly, grabbing Elara's hand.

Elara watched as her younger sister took shaky steps up to the stool and climbed onto it. Her hands were trembling.

Elara could picture the thoughts running through her sister's head.

She'd be begging to be in Ravenclaw. Like Elara.

Elara remembered how terrified she'd felt all those years ago. She knew Amelia was probably feeling ten times worse.

The Sorting Hat was on her head now.

Elara gave Amelia an encouraging smile.


The Gryffindor table came to life with yells and whistles but Elara saw Amelia's face fall.

Maybe Elara should've warned her beforehand.

Her little sister slid off the stool, her shoulders drooping, as she trudged over to the Gryffindor table.

Elara caught Fred and George pulling her to sit between them, messing up her hair and squeezing her shoulders.

She was in good hands. Elara was relieved. Amelia would be okay in Gryffindor.

She hated to think what would happen if she'd been in Slytherin, under Draco's gaze.

The tall, blond boy in question looked at Elara from the next table and raised his eyebrows, eyes flicking back to Amelia, as if to say 'Really? Not another one.'

Elara gave him a look and he shook his head, looking away.

"Gryffindor!" Tracy gasped. "Oh, she's going to be so disappointed."

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