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It took her a minute to realise it was her.

There was pain all over, threatening to split her head open, her lungs feeling like they'd been crushed.

Her vision was black, her heart stuttering in her chest, making her feel light-headed and nauseatingly dizzy.

Then she felt the whip slash across her back again and a scream ripped from her throat at the agony.

Her body instinctively tried to flip onto her back to defend herself against her attacker but her arms and legs felt like lead, impossible to move.

Maniacal laughter filled her ears and the sound made sirens go off in her head while simultaneously making her wince, her mouth dry and metallic.

The whip stung against her back again and she tried to reach for her wand, realised it wasn't in the waistband of her jeans.

"Enough, Bellatrix."

Wild laughter ensued. "Oh but I'm having so much fun!"

"You'll kill her."

"And? Why is that a problem, my dear Cissy?"

Elara gasped for breath, struggling to turn over onto her back and finally managed, staring up into the malicious eyes of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Oh, she's awake!" the Death Eater yelped with glee. "Do you want a go, Cissy?"

They were in a drawing room and Elara was sprawled out in front of the fireplace, the floor stained with her own blood, sticking to her arms and her soaked shirt.

This was definitely not supposed to happen. She was never even supposed to wake up.

"Oh, doesn't she look like a delight," Bellatrix crooned, her wild hair concealing half her face as she raised the whip again.

Elara scrambled back, her head pounding, and rolled out of the way as the whip crashed down where she'd been a second earlier, splintering wood.

"Bella, enough." Narcissa Malfoy stepped forward, her mouth a grim line. "You're making a mess in my living room."

Elara's mind was sluggish, trying to process Narcissa's words. They were in her living room - they were at Malfoy Manor.

Bellatrix bared her teeth at her in a smile, tossing the whip away.

"We can't get into her head," the witch hissed, sparing a quick glance at her sister. "We'll have to use some other means to get information out of her, won't we?"

Narcissa's eyes stayed fixed on Elara, examining her. Elara wanted to shrink back but her muscles ached so much, the fear in her gut twisting and making her want to hurl.

the boy who had no choice [d.m]Where stories live. Discover now