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It was the beginning of June now and the school year was beginning to draw to a close. Just a month left and Hogwarts would be empty again - Elara hated to think of how much she'd miss it.

She was on her way out of DADA, flanked by her friends, when Blaise Zabini pushed off the wall opposite the classroom door and stood there, staring at her, his arms crossed over his chest.

Elara met his eye and frowned. He didn't look like he was there to drop a snarky comment - his expression was almost one of resigned determination.

As if he was about to do something he really didn't want to do.

"A word," the tall Slytherin boy said, stiffly, and Elara felt Stuart's arm tighten through hers, protectively.

But Elara knew that if Blaise wanted to talk to her, it most likely had something to do with Draco - and she desperately wanted to know about him.

He was still skipping classes, still not showing up to meals and the most Elara ever glimpsed of him was when she would make up some excuse to pass by the Slytherin common room and would sometimes catch sight of his hair as he entered or left the common room.

Then she'd hurry away, knowing she couldn't linger but satisfied that he was alright.

"It's okay," Elara told her friends. "You guys go on. Save me a seat in the bleachers."

"Are you sure?" Indigo asked, eyeing Blaise with disdain and Tracy tugged on her hand, giving her a sharp look. "Oh, alright. Don't be too late."

They watched as her friends trooped away, reluctantly, casting glances over their shoulder and Blaise only spoke once they were out of sight.

"What the fuck did you do?"

Elara blinked, turning to face him and raising an eyebrow. "You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that, Zabini. I've done a lot of things - and people - in my lifetime."

Blaise's lip almost curled but he kept himself in check, instead fixing his tie. "You're messing with my best friend's head."

Elara's heart skipped a few beats. "Oh? I didn't know I had that effect on Pansy."

"You do," called the Slytherin witch as she came to a stop next to them, having just exited the classroom behind them. "But this is about our other best friend."

"Theodore?" Elara pretended to play dumb. "Oh, I did think he was quite cute -"

"Draco." Blaise's voice was a hiss and Pansy put her hand on his arm.

"Now, Blaise, let's be pleasant," Pansy chided, amiably. "Elara happens to be a good friend of mine and I'd like my friends to get on with each other."

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