𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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[trigger warning: gore, death, war]

[trigger warning: gore, death, war]

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She wanted to crawl into her bed only a few steps away and sink into it. Wait for Draco to find her and then run away with him.

But Hermione's hand on her back continued to guide her down the spiral staircase and they both gingerly stepped over Gibbon's body, Elara feeling something in her soul twist at the realisation that she'd just killed two people.

"We'll find another way," Hermione was saying, her voice sounding far away. They'd lain Lucy to rest underneath the starry sky in her bed and Hermione had allowed Elara to cry for a few more minutes before she ushered her out. "We'll figure out another way to defeat them, Elara."

Elara couldn't speak, feeling numb all over as Hermione checked outside to see if the coast was clear before they stepped out.

There was something nagging at the back of her brain - something about Thestral tears - but she couldn't remember what. The numbness seemed to have spread to her mind.


They turned to find Ginny jogging towards them, flanked by Fred and Dean.

"Ginny," Hermione breathed, throwing herself onto her friend and Fred did the same with Elara, swallowing her up into a tight hug.

"Alright there, El?" he asked, muffled against her hair, and she nodded against his chest, feeling tears prick her eyes at the contact. She wanted to stay there forever. "We've been looking for you two everywhere."

"Is everyone..." Hermione inquired as Elara pulled back from Fred, although he kept a warm arm around her. She noticed his knuckles were bruised and bloody, sent him a questioning look.

"Particularly dirty skirmish," he said, catching her look and examining his knuckles. "Both of us lost our wands - I resorted to what I could to get away."

"Winona is dead," Ginny was telling Hermione, softly. "So are Andrew and Drea. I don't know who else."

All members of the DA.

Elara buried deeper into Fred's side. "Where's George?"

"He headed off with Stuart and the others to get them out," Dean piped up, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "Right after we destroyed the Vanishing Cabinet."

Elara breathed a sigh of relief, felt Fred squeeze her, affectionately.

"Any news of the teachers?" Ginny asked Hermione, the front strands of her red hair caked with blood.

Hermione chewed on her lip. "None. Except I saw McGonagall down by the greenhouses. I think she was battling Dolohov -"


Her Ravenclaw brain whirred into action - even when she tried to suppress it. She didn't want to fight anymore. She wanted to find Draco and have him hold her.

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