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The young witch found it absolutely infuriating. He wouldn't look at her, wouldn't acknowledge her, wouldn't even glance in her general direction.

He'd sit at the Slytherin table with Zabini, Nott and Pansy and wouldn't even look up when Elara entered with her friends - even when Zabini would drop a snide comment at her.

It was all very annoying and - hurtful. Elara hated how it was hurtful.

And it only made it worse that Snape noticed too.

"Would you care to explain how Malfoy went from sitting with you at the Ravenclaw table to not even acknowledging your presence?"

Elara bristled, sinking further into the chair opposite Snape's desk. "He has bipolar disorder. I'm sure of it."

Snape was not amused.

"I'm not joking," Elara said. "One minute, he's forcing me to eat because he thinks I'm too thin and the next, he's yelling at me and trying to hex me."

She left out the part where they proceeded to have sex afterwards - for obvious reasons.

Snape hummed in thought. "Did you ever manage to find out what him and Parkinson were looking for the night they got caught by your sister?"

Elara shook her head. "I tried to bring it up a few times but he brushed me off. He doesn't want me knowing."

Snape nodded, slowly, still deep in thought. "Hmm. I'll try to do some snooping of my own. The Headmaster told me to tell you to...'hang in there', as he put it."

Elara scratched a spot on her wrist. "Yeah. Well. I'm already too deep in this." She stared at her hands, remembering Draco's bloody knuckles, the devastating look in his eyes that night. "He's definitely hiding something."

"Not 'just a boy' anymore, hmm?" Snape drawled, sitting back in his chair.

Elara glanced at the clock and got to her feet, shaking her head. "No. He's still just a boy to me. I just don't think he realises it."


"I'm sorry, Harry. I've been trying for so long -"

"It's okay. It's okay. Don't worry. Patronuses are tricky. You'll get it eventually."

Elara sighed, dropping her wand arm.

"You're not trying hard enough," Hermione piped up from the corner, looking at Elara with something close to disdain on her face.

"'Mione," Ron nudged her, gently, sending her an imploring look.

"What? She isn't!" Hermione shot back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Her mind is clearly elsewhere."

"I'm doing my best," Elara retorted, coldly.

"If this is your best then -"

"Hermione, enough!" Harry chided.

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