𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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Elara tried to ignore the wrenching feeling in her chest and climbed to her feet from where she'd been sitting against the wall.

The Astronomy Tower was cold and dreary today. There were thick clouds on the horizon.

Had he not gotten her note?

No. It was impossible. She'd slipped it into the pocket of his coat where his wand was as she passed by him. He had to have seen it.

But it had already been an hour and he hadn't turned up.

It was obvious he wasn't coming.

Elara headed down the staircase, hurrying through the cold to get back to the common room.

She'd share a packet of Chocolate Frogs with Luna in front of the fire, like they had last night, and play cards while the storm raged through the night.

Maybe he was busy.

But when he didn't show up at the Astronomy Tower the next four days after that, Elara's suspiscions were confirmed.

He didn't want to see her.

She would've still given him the benefit of doubt if she hadn't pressed a note into his hand as she brushed by him in one of the dungeon corridors. There was no way he hadn't read it.

So he was avoiding her.

Elara had expected it. She wasn't delusional enough to think Draco would show up with flowers outside the Ravenclaw common room the morning after they kissed and sweep her into his arms, beaming.

But she'd hardly expected such a cold shoulder.

Draco Malfoy would never stop surprising her, it seemed.



Elara let out a 'humph' as a small mass of frizzy dark hair and over-sized robes collided into her middle. "Ouch! Amelia!"

Her younger sister pulled back, her bright blue eyes shining. "I've missed you so much!"

Elara pulled them both away from the hustle and bustle of all the students returning to Hogwarts, ready for the second term. The noise was almost deafening.

"I've missed you too, Ames," Elara smiled down and tucked her sister's wild hair behind her ears. "Where's Freya?"

"Right here."

Elara glanced up, locking eyes with her elder sister's caramel ones. She was standing in front of them, clutching a small bag, her expression nervous. Her golden hair was pulled back into a long braid, giving her a sterner look.

"Hey," breathed Elara, unsure what to say. But then Freya was attacking her, pulling her into a tight hug, heedless of how the breath was knocked out of Amelia as she was sandwiched between her two elder sisters.

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