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[let me... uh... let me add a little...spice to that]

spice to that]

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Draco was in a foul mood.

Elara huffed in exasperation, climbing to her feet for the fifth time this hour. "I'm trying -"

"Try harder," he snapped at her. His hair was disheveled from the breeze as well as all the movement, the first two buttons of his white shirt undone, a frequent resting place for Elara's eyes.

"What the fuck is up with you?" Elara demanded, fixing her ponytail. "You look like someone pissed in your -"

Before she could finish her sentence, Draco flicked his wand and a red spell came barreling towards her.

She focused and defended it. "I bet that was a Silencio."

"How ever did you guess," he said, dryly, casting another one at her. She flicked it away and sent another back to him.

He twisted away from it and his wand flashed with another whipping movement. Elara barely protected herself against that one.

She could see he was angry and taking it out on her today. "Draco, let's just -"

He shut her up with another spell and she gritted her teeth, dodging it. "Can we just talk?"

"I don't want to fucking talk," he hissed, flicking his wand twice in quick succession to send two spells spiralling at her.

She defended one but the other nicked her in her shoulder, making her cry out as pain blossomed there.

Immediately, Draco halted in his tracks like he'd been shot.

Elara clutched her shoulder with her free arm, looking at him, murderously.

"Fucking hell," he spoke through gritted teeth as he strode over to her and grabbed her by her good arm. He pressed his wand to her shoulder and muttered an incantation; the healing spell washed over her with a shiver. "I've never had to heal someone as much as I have with you."

Elara raised her eyebrow at him with a scoff. "You act like you're not the one hexing me."

Draco looked down at her with stormy eyes. "Leave."

Elara blinked at him as he stepped away from her, pocketing his wand and striding over to the railing. "What?"

"Leave." His tone was harsh, his expression blank.

She waited for more information but he only turned his back to her. She could make out the muscles beneath his thin shirt.

"Why?" she asked, cautiously, hoping he wouldn't blow up on her. She took a step towards him, rotating her newly healed shoulder. "I thought we were practicing?"

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