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[trigger warning: sexual assault]

[trigger warning: sexual assault]

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Elara nodded with a sigh. "I know it doesn't help much but I really don't know how I lost him -"

"No. This may be the most valuable piece of information you've ever given to me." Snape seemed to ponder for a moment.

Elara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What - why?"

Snape ignored her. "Go on."

She blinked. "That's it. Then Filch caught me and I got detention like I told you on Wednesday morning when you told me you couldn't get me out of it."

Snape frowned. "I see. And you have no idea why Malfoy was out that late at night?"

Elara's gut twisted. "I would say shagging Pansy but they're in the same house so I don't see why he'd leave for that."

At Snape's disdainful look, she stared back at him. "What? You do know we're teenagers, right?"

She held herself back from rolling her eyes and went on. "But that's already very unlikely, seeing as how Pansy exploded on him in the library the other day."

The professor raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry.

"He was studying Anti-Apparition wards and she stormed into the library, absolutely livid, because he'd promised to meet her but then blown her off -"

Snape's eyes snapped to hers. "What did you say?"

"They were supposed to meet and he blew her off. Very Draco Malfoy-like, I must say, and she did call him a heartless bastard and I told him I felt inclined to agree with her -"

"Stop rambling, Jacobs. He was studying Anti-Apparition wards?"

"Oh. Yes." Elara was confused as to why Snape was suddenly so interested in Draco's reading material. "He was."

"Why?" Snape demanded, dark eyes fixed on her.

"Well. He said it was for Apparition Class."

Snape's eyebrows raised then lowered.

"What?" she demanded. "What is it?"

Snape mulled it over before he drawled, "Draco Malfoy doesn't take Apparition."


Elara purposely left out the part where Draco had said indirectly that he had let another woman be raped. No matter what Snape's intentions were in stalking Draco Malfoy, she didn't think that deserved to be aired out into the open.

She couldn't deny the guilt she felt like a wound festering inside of her though. Guilt for lying and hiding from her best friends and her sister - but guilt also because she was using Draco Malfoy.

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