𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Elara winced as she read it, skimming over her parents' harsh words. It was in her mother's handwriting but she knew her father would've been bent over the table next to her, adding and dictating what to write.

... Your teachers have informed us that you are still not first in all your classes - save for Astronomy and Herbology. You know how proud we are of you for those two achievements but you are also aware of how we only want the best education for you so that you have a shot at the best future.

Therefore, we are considering pulling you out of Hogwarts and sending you to another Magical School - maybe Beauxbatons or Ilvermorny - if you don't take first place by the end of this year.

It would pain us to do this as we know how much you love Hogwarts, Elara, but please keep in mind that you have all the opportunities we didn't. We only want you to be able to take all of them. And both Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny are outstanding institutions and we know you'll flourish in both of them.

Take care of your sisters and make sure Amelia wears her coat wherever she goes. You know how she gets sick so easily.

Lots and lots of love,

Mum and Dad

P.S: You're still very much in trouble for skipping Christmas.

"What's that?"

Elara glanced up, sighing as she saw Indigo and Tracy slide onto the sofa in the common room, next to her armchair.

"Letter from my parents," Elara answered Tracy, folding and pocketing the letter. "Just another plea to excel in class."

Indigo furrowed her eyebrows, settling back into the sofa with a yawn. "Elara, the lowest rank you've ever gotten is third."

"I know," Elara replied, quietly. "But you know my parents. Isaac and Freya were always first in their year."

"It's not your fault you got stuck with Hermione and Malfoy," snorted Tracy. "You're already working so hard. Why can't that be enough for them?"

Elara shrugged, the letter feeling heavy in her pocket.

The silence between the three of them was tensed and she pretended not to notice, looking down at the book she'd borrowed from the library, regarding Helena Ravenclaw's spell.

"El..." Indigo began, her voice trailing off. Out of the corner of her eye, Elara saw both her friends exchange looks. "They asked us to join the DA."

Elara looked up, raising her eyebrows. "You obviously said yes."

Tracy let out a nervous laugh, tying her auburn hair into a tight knot. "Yeah...We just - We're scared."

"Why did you say yes?"

Indigo blinked and Tracy looked down.

"It was the right thing to do," Indigo responded, softly. "We couldn't turn our backs on our home and our friends - especially not on you."

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