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Granted, it was very far-fetched and she'd need some magical entity for it to work but nevertheless, it was a plan.

"Well done!" Cho Chang smiled at her from across the table as Elara successfully managed to make the Draught of Peace bubbling in front of them turn into the characteristic silver colour.

"It's the porcupine quills, really," replied Elara, stirring the mixture as it fizzed and gave off a silvery mist. "You need to be quite exact."

Cho nodded in agreement. "You're really talented at Potion Making, Elara."

She gave a low laugh. "It is one of my favourite classes."

"Miss Chang. Miss Jacobs. Nice work." Professor Slughorn peered over at their cauldron and gave an appreciative nod. "Perfectly done. I can feel the potion taking effect just by inhaling the fumes."

Both witches shared a smile and turned back to their notebooks, jotting down all the ingredients they'd added.

"Can I ask you something, Elara?" Cho murmured, leaning over.

"Hmm?" Elara's quill scratched at the parchment.

"Is Malfoy staring at me or at you?"

Elara's hand froze and she, slowly, raised her eyes to Cho's. "I..." She cleared her throat. "Is he?"

Cho nodded, her eyes flicking to the space behind Elara where Draco was sitting, partnered with Fletcher.

They were a duo she never thought she'd be grateful for but right now, they were her only shot.

She had to time it perfectly: not too early and not too late. Either of those risked her losing either Fletcher or Draco - and unfortunately, she needed both of them to be there.

She vaguely wondered if she was overestimating her acting skills and her knowledge of Fletcher. There was always the chance that Draco might not even -

No. He was a Malfoy. He wouldn't let Fletcher take her - would he?

"Right then!" Professor Slughorn bellowed, clasping his hands in front of him. "It seems you've all managed to make some good Calming Draughts, apart from some -" He shot a glance at Indigo and Tracy's cauldron. "But I must say that the winner of today's Potion Making has to be Miss Chang and Miss Jacobs. Fifty points to Ravenclaw!"

Cho squeezed Elara's hand, grinning but Elara was barely focusing. She needed to be prepared -

As the class began to pack up their things and trickle out of the classroom, Elara bid Cho goodbye and then plastered on the most sorrowful expression she could before trudging over to Draco and Fletcher's desk, keeping her head low.

She'd come up with this plan as soon as Professor Slughorn had paired up Draco and Fletcher together and hadn't really had the time to make sure it was foolproof. But she couldn't let the opportunity slide.

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