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She should've expected it but it had slipped her mind that he would be here. And he was very angry.

"Stuart -" she began but Stuart didn't let her finish, instead storming up to Harry and grabbing him by the collar of his robes.

Immediately, the entire room hushed, drawn by the commotion, and Ron made a move towards his best friend. Hermione put out her arm to stop him.

"I fucking told you," Stuart hissed, his normally warm eyes gleaming with fury. "I fucking told you to keep her out of this!"

Harry's hand came up to grip Stuart's wrist. "Stuart -"

"You fucking promised me!" yelled Stuart, his voice booming throughout the room. Elara wondered if the magic of the room would make it sound proof. "You promised me you'd keep them all out of it, Harry!"

"Stuart, please!" Cho stepped forward, her eyebrows pinched together. "She's one of the best witches in school -"

Stuart turned his head to face her, still not releasing Harry. "Oh, so you're the one who suggested it, huh, Cho? I should've known better not to trust you lot -"

"Stuart!" Elara finally yanked herself out of her daze and strode up to her best friend, shoving him away from Harry who stumbled, his hand to neck where Stuart had grabbed him. "Calm the fuck down! What's gotten into you?"

Stuart glared at her, his hair falling into his face. Aggressively, he shoved it away. "Don't fucking start with me, Elara -"

"Don't you dare talk to me that way," Elara spat, her own anger rising. "You don't get to barge in here and lose your shit -"

"You don't even know what you're talking about!" Stuart's fists clenched. "You don't know what they've done!"

Elara forced herself to take a breath and crossed her arms over her chest, meeting his fiery gaze, evenly. "Alright. Then tell me, Stu. Tell me what they've done."

His face had reddened from his outburst and he sent a deadly look at Harry. "You're going to pay, Harry."

"Don't you dare threaten him." Ron stepped forward.

"The only reason - " Stuart went on, ignoring Ron and fixating on Harry. "The only bloody reason that I accepted to join this stupid thing was because you promised to keep them out of it!"

Harry's cheeks were pink. "I know, Stuart, but we had no choice -"

"No choice?" Stuart practically yelled, advancing on Harry again. "You had every choice!"

"If we're in a fight against Voldemort, we need as many people as we can get!" Harry retaliated, not backing down either.

Elara stepped forward again and grabbed Stuart's shoulder. "Stuart, please -"

the boy who had no choice [d.m]Where stories live. Discover now