𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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Elara looked up from where she was invested in a particularly difficult Ancient Runes problem. "I am."

Freya took the seat opposite her, plopping her own books down on the table. "Don't tell me you were up all night studying?"

"I was," Elara sighed in response, running a tired hand over her face. "I can't get more than an hour of sleep when we're in exam season."

Freya looked sympathetic. "I know Mum and Dad are especially harsh on you - but you know they love you, right?"

"Could've fooled me," Elara muttered under her breath, looking back down at her parchment. "How are your exams going so far?"

"Good," Freya answered, her golden hair gleaming underneath the library lights. "Divination was difficult - but I'm pretty sure I aced Potions and Charms so far. I've got Transfiguration tomorrow."

"You'll do great."

"So will you. Do you need help on that problem?"

Draco walked in a while later, a book tucked under his arm, loosening his tie around his neck, fingers freezing as he passed the aisle Elara and Freya were situated in.

Elara's breath caught in her throat as she glanced up, her eyes flicking to Freya who still had her head bent over her book, muttering spells to herself, before meeting Draco's.

He gave her a lazy grin, rings glinting as his fingers moved to loosen his tie again. Behind him, Pansy, Millicent Bulstrode and Theo came to a stop, arguing over something to do with Herbology.

Draco swiveled into Elara's aisle and set his book down on the table next to theirs, behind Freya. His friends followed, all taking seats around the table.

He made sure to face her.

Elara's pulse picked up and she forced herself to look back down at her book, trying desperately not to smile. She'd been with him last night in his room - they had studied some and then she'd gotten - distracted. He'd wasted no time in laying her on the bed and making her moan underneath his tongue.

She risked another glance, caught him looking at her already, obviously thinking of the same memory she was. He threw an arm over the back of his chair, his tongue in his cheek, as he raised an eyebrow at her.

She wanted nothing more than to stalk over, straddle his lap and run her fingers through his hair.

"You okay?" Freya inquired, looking up, her quill halting from the scratching it had been doing on the parchment.

"Fine," Elara responded, focusing back on her books. "Can you help me with this one too?"

It was only half an hour later when Millicent made her first move. The whole school knew Millie Bulstrode had a crush on Draco Malfoy - and that she would do anything to get him.

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