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Elara was pulled out of her thoughts by Draco's low voice. "We haven't trained at all today."

He glanced at her, sideways. The moon was high up now and cast a soft glow on his skin. Elara desperately wanted to touch him.

Being this close to him late at night, coupled with the exhaustion from their fight and the past few months, was not a good combination. She was too tired to resist what she felt around him and she was terrified it'd drag them into a hole they couldn't get out of.

"I think it's best we don't train today," Draco said, sounding tired out himself. When she looked at him more closely, she noticed the dark circles ringing his eyes. Had he always had those?

She couldn't remember.

"You should go back," he went on, not looking at her. His eyes stayed focused on the the view of the grounds. "You don't want to get another detention for staying out past curfew." He gave her a wry smile. "I won't pull you out of it this time."

"I never thanked you for that," Elara said, quietly, as the gentle breeze lifted strands of her wild hair. She tucked them behind her ears. "It was..." She trailed off, trying to get the words out. "It was one of the best nights I've had in a while."

Her eye caught the movement of Draco's hand tightening over the railing, his rings glittering in the moonlight. His hands were so gorgeous - long fingers, veins down the back, pretty rings. Just looking at them made her stomach somersault.

Once she was sure he wasn't going to reply to her remark, she inquired, "Will you be going back for the holidays?"

She hated that she wanted him to say no for no reason she could place.

He tapped his slender fingers against the railing. "No. Will you?"

She had a vague feeling he wanted her to say no too - it was in the way his eyes flicked to her momentarily and then away.

"I don't know," she answered, softly, watching a bird spread its wings and dip in the wind. "I don't want to but - I don't know if my parents will let me stay at Hogwarts if my sister is going back."

"Your sister, " grumbled Draco, "took fifty points from Slytherin a few days back."

Elara stifled a smile. "What for?"

"We were out past curfew ironically."

"Who?" The thought of Freya glowering at Draco, who had to be at least a foot taller than her, as well as Zabini and Nott, scolding them for being out late, was enough to make her giggle.

"Pansy," Draco said, curtly, and Elara sobered up, almost immediately.

"Oh." She turned back to gaze at the Forbidden Forest, trying to soothe the pang in her chest. It was none of her damn business. She shouldn't be feeling jealous that Draco had found a new fuck buddy - it was bound to happen. He was just that attractive.

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