𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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It was all Elara could see as she stumbled forward, forgetting that she was ankle deep in water and she steadied herself on the wall as she forced her feet around the corner.

Her blood curdled as his spilled out from where he lay, sprawled out on the floor at an unnatural angle. He was soaked in blood, his white shirt dark red and sticking to him.

A scream ripped from her throat and she sloshed through the water, collapsing next to him.


Crimson blood blossomed all over his chest like scarlet flowers as he gasped for breath, his face drained of all colour.

"Draco - Draco -" Elara resisted the urge to hurl and forced herself to pull it together, shoving her panic away. "Myrtle! Myrtle!"

The ghost appeared out of the sink, her eyes two wide saucers. "He's dead! Potter killed him -"

"He's not dead!" Elara snapped, her shaking fingers moving to unbutton Draco's shirt. "Get Snape!"


"Yes, Myrtle! Now! Or, Merlin so help me, I will -"

Myrtle disappeared immediately.

Elara turned her focus back to Draco's shirt. Her hands were trembling, violently.

His eyes were open but unseeing - she nearly sobbed at the sight - but his chest was heaving in desperate breaths, his heartbeat erratic against her fingertips.

"Draco -" She finally got his shirt open and her stomach contracted so violently, she resisted the urge to throw up.

His chest was covered in slash marks - as if an invisible sword had cut through him - and blood was seeping from all over. His chest, his throat, his shoulders.

His chest fell and rose, rapidly, and with each movement, blood spread out into the water around them, staining everything red.

She needed to stop the bleeding. She didn't even know what kind of curse this was - she couldn't perform a counterspell.

She swallowed the sob rising in her throat and reached for her wand. She could conjure bandages, heal some of the wounds to stop them bleeding for at least a few seconds -

Her wand - Fuck, fuck, no, no - she'd forgotten her wand in her haste to leave her dorm.

Elara nearly collapsed next to Draco in despair. He was going to die. He was taking his last breaths and she'd be responsible for it. Because she'd forgotten her bloody wand.

Tears blurred her vision and through the haze, she could make out his silver eyes, the light slowly dying out of it, his fingers spasming at his side.

No. He couldn't die. She wouldn't let him.

Think, Elara, think. What was the point in being in Ravenclaw if she couldn't even find a way to stop -

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