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Elara didn't want to waste any time - she only had ten minutes with him.

Draco shrugged, his hands in the pockets of his black trousers as he walked towards her. "I was awake anyway." He glanced around the infirmary. "You're lucky no one else is here."

Elara hadn't even noticed. She tried to ignore the fact that he looked so devastatingly handsome standing in front of her, expectantly.

"Don't do anything," she blurted out before shutting her eyes to try and compose her thoughts. Why was she so flustered? It wasn't like she'd never found him attractive before.

Not the time.

"About?" Draco said, slowly, his eyebrows lifting.

Elara swallowed and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Fletcher."

Draco went still.

"I saw the look in your eyes," she went on, making sure Madam Pomfrey was out of earshot. "If I hadn't been there, you would've torn him to shreds. Easily."

She saw his jaw lock. "But you were there."

Tragic. Why did he always look so tragic?

"You're saying you haven't thought of going and finding him to finish what you started?" she demanded, rising to her feet.

"You should stay in bed," he said, emotionless.

"Answer my question, Draco."

He glared down at her, all harsh eyes and tight mouth. "You want me to let him walk away? You don't want to tell anybody and that's fine but if I don't do something, he'll walk away scot-free -"

"And since when do you care?" Elara shot back. "You're Draco Malfoy. You make it quite obvious that you don't care about anybody but yourself."

She may have imagined it but she thought she saw him flinch. "I'm not okay with letting a rapist -"

"Shhh!" she hushed him, alarmed that Madam Pomfrey would overhear. "I'm asking for something so simple -"

"He did it to get revenge on me, didn't he?"

Elara looked away.

"Yes or no, Elara?" His voice had dropped an octave lower and it shouldn't have but it sent shivers down her spine.

She hesitated again. "I don't know -"

His hand shot out and closed around her wrist, tugging her to him, just as the other one moved to pull the curtain closed, sealing them from Madam Pomfrey's gaze - even though she hadn't even been looking.

Elara stifled a cry as he pulled her flush against him, his silver eyes shining like a cat's as they caught the moonlight filtering in through the window beside them.

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