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And with it, came the first snow of the year, blanketing Hogwarts' grounds in a sheet of white.

But while her friends were all outside, messing around with the snow, Elara was following Ron Weasley down the dreary hallways, wistfully staring out the windows at the soft snow falling.

"It won't take long." Ron noticed her gaze. "We just have to do it in a place where we're sure no one can overhear us."

Elara pushed her way through a group of fifth years going in the opposite direction, all eager to be out in the snow on Saturday morning. "I understand, don't worry. I told you I wanted to meet."

"We heard about the little... thing that happened with Buckbeak. He's a scary thing but he's actually really sweet -"

"It wasn't Buckbeak," Elara interrupted, quickly. "I love him. It just happened. Nothing really triggered it."

She shoved thoughts of Fletcher to the back of her mind.

"Oh." Ron looked embarrassed as they turned into an empty corridor. Elara recognised it as the one she'd followed Draco into before he disappeared and Filch caught her. "Well, I'm sorry. I hope you're feeling better."

"Thanks, Ron." She shot him a smile and he ducked his head, one playing at his own lips. "Where are we going?"

"Oh. We're here." He halted suddenly.

Elara frowned, staring up at the wall in front of them. It was a plain wall - no portrait, no secret door, no alcove. "We are?"

"Give me a second." He began to walk up and down in front of the wall, once, twice, thrice, his face focused.

Elara stared at him, about to demand what the hell he was doing, but then something shimmered in front of them and a large door appeared in the wall.

Ron looked relieved. "Come on."

Elara couldn't believe she hadn't known this room existed - she'd walked by this place at least a million times.

She trailed behind Ron, stepping in behind him and finding herself in a large room with a high-vaulted ceiling.

In front of her, standing in a row, were Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Cho Chang.

"Cho?" Elara spluttered as Ron shut the door behind them. "What are you doing here?"

Cho gave her a small smile. "Hey, El."


Elara turned her eyes onto Harry. She knew him, of course, but they had never really talked throughout the years. He'd been a bit too busy carrying the Wizarding World on his shoulders, she imagined.

"Harry," she said, slowly. "What's going on?"

"I asked you if you wanted to join the DA -" Ron started from beside her.

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