𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Elara could see the tremble in his fingertips by his side, his other hand forming a fist and pressing more firmly against the glass window, as if he was putting all his weight on it.

The muscles in his back and shoulders were tight, his jaw taut. As if he couldn't believe what she'd just said.

"Draco -" She took a step forward, desperation laced in her voice.

He blew out a breath, his back still to her. "Don't. Don't fucking say it."

Elara's chest heaved, her hands curling.

"Because you don't fucking mean it."

She halted from where she'd been taking another step towards him.

She couldn't even blame him. She'd told him she wanted him, told him she didn't care about his father or his last name and then had told him the exact opposite that night in the library.

He wasn't going to believe anything she said. How could he?

Elara hated how rational she was - it was one of the reasons why she'd been placed in Ravenclaw but it made her analyse everything from every single point of view.

And although her need for Draco clawed at her like a hungry animal, her rational mind told her it was wrong. That she had hurt him and she was only going to hurt him more if she kept going.

But seeing him like this was breaking down all her notions about herself, rendering her helpless and a slave to the feelings she had for him.

"I'm not lying." Her voice was barely above a whisper, her throat dry.

"Don't," he ground out and his voice almost broke. "Don't play these fucking games with me - just because you want me to fuck you."

Elara winced, lifting a hand to the left side of her chest as it ached. "Draco, I would never - "

"You would," he muttered, finally turning to face her, slipping his hands into his pockets. "You did before."

She felt tears blur her vision, watched as his eyes traced the path of one down her cheek. "I never used you for sex, Draco. I - "

"Stop fucking crying," he bit out, his tone harsh, his eyes dim. "Stop. You don't get to fucking cry, Elara. Not when I'm the one being lied to and - "

"I love you," she said again, praying to anything and everything that he believed her. "I swear I do."

He stared at her as she said it, his expression emotionless.

She glanced down at the snake ring coiling around her finger, ran her fingers over it. "But I don't deserve you." She swallowed hard, adjusted the strap of her bag over her shoulder. "You deserve someone who isn't going to hurt you, who you don't have to - hide from everyone else. You're a good man, Draco, and I spent so long trying to convince you of it but - "

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